Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR by Mike Adams, (Natural News) A deep background source has provided us with a document detailing the distribution of genocide machines — guillotines — across America in preparation for a left-wing coup attempt that …
Remember The Psy-Op Called The Great Toilet Paper Shortage? Now We Are Pretending There’s a National Coin Shortage So We Go Cashless by Geoffrey Grider, “We cannot get coin,” said Rob Rowe, owner of Rowe’s IGA Supermarkets. Rowe said he usually gets coin – the collective term for coins – from his bank, but said …
Israeli Annexation Plans to be Discussed in the White House Next Week by , 11 July 2020 TALKS on Israeli annexation plans will take place in the White House next week, according to Israeli media, with US President Donald Trump set to join advanced stages of the discussions. – A report in the Jerusalem …
The entire “UFO-Aliens” meme pushed by the world is a psychological warfare against the sheeple. These beings are NOT Aliens but are fallen angels, the Nephilim, fallen spiritual beings. The sheeple are being brainwashed into accepting a coming Satanic Alien Invasion HOAX! This is, IMO, the endtimes strong delusion. – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King …
Arcadia Economics #AndySchectman: “#COMEX Is Becoming A Delivery Mechanism” As record-setting demand numbers for #silver continue to pour in, the market is being pressured unlike we’ve ever seen before. Additionally, there are even greater amounts of silver contracts standing for delivery in September, which has historically been a volatile month for the #preciousmetals. And on …
J.D. Farag Pastor JD clears up much of the confusion surrounding a yet future vaccine becoming the Mark of the Beast foretold of in the Book of Revelation. Connect with Pastor J.D. Farag on Social Media to stay updated on his latest Bible Prophecy teachings and End Times-related news. Graphene (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) …
Conspiracy FACT: Soros-Funded Prosecutors Let Rioters Go But Declare Not Agreeing with Black Lives Matter to be a ‘Hate Crime’ by Nebojsa Malic, Democrats and the US mainstream media have insisted that tales of George Soros’ malign influence on US politics are conservative conspiracies. Americans targeted by prosecutors whose elections he financed can testify …
Virus, Or Politics? Mayor (Who Attended BLM Protest) Cancels Texas GOP Convention For Public Health by RonPaulLibertyReport, via Houston’s Democrat Mayor Sylvester Turner heaped praise on the recent George Floyd protests, which drew tens of thousands of people tightly packed into the city. He even addressed the crowd. Coronavirus was no problem, the protests …
‘Most Jordanians See Annexation as a Declaration of War’ – A View from Amman by ALEXANDRA SENFFT, The Israeli government’s annexation plans caused diplomatic waves that the Middle East has not experienced for a long time. – In May, King Abdullah II of Jordan had warned in an interview with the German magazine Der …
Liberty and Finance Critically important & frequently asked questions addressed by a trusted 30-year insider in the gold & silver industry! – – Prices: What drives gold & silver prices and premiums, and are they going higher? – Privacy: I want my privacy! What forms of metals and payments will keep my metals only my …
Palisade Radio Tom welcomes Patrick Karim back to the show to discuss his latest charts on silver. Patrick is a proprietary capital manager and chart trader. Patrick is cautiously optimistic about precious metals and, in particular, silver. He says, “We are at a deciding point, and we could go either higher or lower.” The risks …
Fox News 11 July 2020 Retired four-star Army general Jack Keane joins Eric Shawn on ‘America’s News HQ.’ end
LaRouchePAC Videos Friday Questions: LaRouche’s Exoneration, Appeasement in Munich and World War II, the Geopolitical Role of Israel, and Are Russia and China Enemies, or Partners? Every weekday morning Harley will brief you on what you need to know to start your day. If you haven’t already, sign up for Harley’s weekly articles: end
My undiagnosed/suspected COVID illness from nearly 2 months ago remains an undiagnosed mystery as a recent antibody test was negative. I had myriad COVID symptoms, was hospitalized in a COVID ward & treated for COVID-related co-morbidities, despite testing negative by nasal swab. — Dr. Joseph Fair (@curefinder) July 7, 2020 Fear Mongering: MSNBC/NBC Contributor Lied …
Kevin Shipp: Violence in Streets Going to Increase. Fear Is Marxist Democrats Greatest Weapon by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says, “I think people need to understand that the violence you are seeing in the streets is going to increase leading up to November. We are seeing Black …
RoadtoRoota The world’s largest market rigging company is getting exposed for what they are…Criminal! The latest take down of the bad guy is in the US Treasury Rigging Market and it’s directly related to SILVER FREEDOM! end
I was severely ill for 2 weeks, 4 days of it in critical condition, resulting in pneumonia, diffuse lung injury & 18lbs of weight loss. My path forward is a 2nd AB test, & follow-up with a pulmonologist & tropical medicine specialist in an effort to diagnose what made me so ill. — Dr. Joseph …