This Is Not A Race War — This Is A Class War Orchestrated By The 1% — David Icke
by mosesman
One comment
Can’t people see ?????
It’s a war on the poor !!!!!
The 1% ers ( gods representatives) should be put in FEMA camps!!!!! Or behead
There wealth is made from theft of the people tax free and there monopolies
All the worlds problems are all based on money (money the root of all evil)
Governments don’t work for the people they work for the world banks
Laws are to impoverish people
Police (military) protect the corporations and make money for governments
They are used to instill fear they legally kidnap and torcher citizens for there personal entertainment
What goes around comes around!!!!!!!!
David is right we don’t study history
Vatican popes are and were nobility wealthy mafia families which live on donations tax free biggest land holders that charge rent
Did you know the corrupted corporate Bank (((Vatican church ))
Has murdered more christens in the larst 2000 years !!!!!!
It’s all about money
Pilgrims from Europe sold everything they had to go to Jerusalem to serve god only to get extorted by thieves in every step of the way
Rent food trinklets ect
Old saying was ( you leave godly only to return as a demonic whore)
The Vatican is a business to make money it can feed afew hundreds of people but thousands of people who follow gods path and become poor during there stay because of thieving parasites
What’s secret history said about the Vatican church was that every few years they would bring the death cults ( Tar Tars ) to invade Jerusalem and murder the poor and the sick
Islam was created by the same forces that created Christians
We see today the evil that has befallen the world and humanity by our elites
Can’t people see ?????
It’s a war on the poor !!!!!
The 1% ers ( gods representatives) should be put in FEMA camps!!!!! Or behead
There wealth is made from theft of the people tax free and there monopolies
All the worlds problems are all based on money (money the root of all evil)
Governments don’t work for the people they work for the world banks
Laws are to impoverish people
Police (military) protect the corporations and make money for governments
They are used to instill fear they legally kidnap and torcher citizens for there personal entertainment
What goes around comes around!!!!!!!!
David is right we don’t study history
Vatican popes are and were nobility wealthy mafia families which live on donations tax free biggest land holders that charge rent
Did you know the corrupted corporate Bank (((Vatican church ))
Has murdered more christens in the larst 2000 years !!!!!!
It’s all about money
Pilgrims from Europe sold everything they had to go to Jerusalem to serve god only to get extorted by thieves in every step of the way
Rent food trinklets ect
Old saying was ( you leave godly only to return as a demonic whore)
The Vatican is a business to make money it can feed afew hundreds of people but thousands of people who follow gods path and become poor during there stay because of thieving parasites
What’s secret history said about the Vatican church was that every few years they would bring the death cults ( Tar Tars ) to invade Jerusalem and murder the poor and the sick
Islam was created by the same forces that created Christians
We see today the evil that has befallen the world and humanity by our elites