They’re Already Joking About Guillotines in CHAZ/CHOP
- They’re Already Joking About Guillotines in CHAZ/CHOP
by Thomas Lifson,
It is all too easy to laugh off the insurrectionists who have grabbed a few blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill, built border walls, and declared it an “Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ), now re-branded by at least some there as an “Organized Protest” (CHOP). Such coverage as the MSM have offered picked up on Seattle’s Mayor Jenny Durkan’s view, who likened it to a “block party” and predicted “a summer of love.” A cottage industry of progressive media outlets targets Fox News, the only major national outlet that offers extensive coverage, for scorn, and scoffs at the notion that there is anything to worry about. Eric Scigliano in Politico, for instance:
Over the course of two evenings and an afternoon in the zone (plus a night observing a police/protest showdown there the week before), it seemed by turns like a commune (as in Paris 1871), an anarcho-syndicalist and small-L libertarian dream, a ’60s-style teach-in, a street fair and street market, a campout and weekend party, a poetry slam and pilgrimage, a school service day, a mass healing circle, a humbler urban version of Burning Man, and of course a protest rally.
You’d hardly guess all that from the breathless attention Fox has lavished from Day One on this tiny strip of Seattle[.]
But it’s worth taking seriously the revolutionary dynamic that operates when radicals declare the old laws and norms inoperative and proceed to implement their ad hoc version of utopia. Guy Benson yesterday pointed to a sign that I take very seriously:
They’re chanting about beheading people who don’t get with the ideological program, in the tradition of the blood-drenched French revolution? This “festive block party” is pretty dark, man:
Until our regime is toppled (and don’t kid yourself: that is the goal of not only some of the demonstrators, but more importantly the people who have been plotting for decades), the people on Capitol Hill are unlikely to be executed for insufficient revolutionary purity, especially considering that President Trump threatens intervention if local authorities do nothing.
read more.
“Does anybody know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?”
“CHOPPED,” the crowd answered.
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) June 15, 2020