US Invents Enemies to Continue Waging Wars on Other Countries: Analyst
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- US Invents Enemies to Continue Waging Wars on Other Countries: Analyst
The United States “needs to invent enemies to continue waging” wars on other countries, political analyst Stephen Lendman says.
Lendman made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday when asked about US President Donald Trump’s foreign policy in 2019. Before elected president, candidate Trump “promised either directly or indirectly” that US wars had to end, but “he did exactly the opposite of what he said, he championed much higher military budget that I call ‘war budgets,’ they have nothing to do with defense because the US has not had an enemy since World War Two ended,” Lendman said.
“So it (the US) needs to invent enemies to continue waging all these wars, they are the only ones that exist, phony ones, invented ones not real ones.” Lendman went on to say that Trump has escalated these endless wars, adding, “he escalated the war in Syria, he waged more war on Iraq, more war on Afghanistan, Yemen.”
There is nothing that Trump says “that can be believed,” he opined. The so-called US war on terror has led to cost over 800,000 direct war deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East.
In November, the findings by Watson Institute of International Public Affairs at the United State’s Brown University showed that more than 147,000 were killed alone in Afghanistan. Nearly 59,000 of them were members of Afghan army and police.
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