Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For CNN Trump Tower “Bombshell” Fake News
- Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For CNN Trump Tower “Bombshell” Fake News
by Tyler Durden,
The plot thickens… On July 26th, CNN unleashed a “bombshell” report that Michael Cohen was claiming that candidate Trump knew in advance about the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
Dropping this line in the middle of their story: “Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.”
Then, last week, amid the deafening euphoria of the ‘anti-Trump’-ers, Davis told Anderson Cooper:
“I think the reporting of the story got mixed up in the course of a criminal investigation. We were not the source of the story.”
Davis increasingly backed away from the story in recent days, telling the Washington Post that he is not certain if the claim is accurate, and that he could not independently corroborate it. Destroying CNN’s “bombshell” story, crushing the hopes of millions of ‘not my president’-ers.
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