CERN ‘666’ Goal: Open New Dimension Doorway with Anthony Patch
- Sarah Westall Published on Jan 22, 2018
Anthony Patch joins the program to discuss the unofficial stated goals of Cern executives and financiers. He has spent the last decade researching their motives and actions and has come to the conclusion that their actual agenda has been hidden from the world’s people. While the vast majority of scientists and institutions believe and use the facility for relatively ordinary, albeit exciting, research projects, the small minority of the powers behind the facility have hidden agendas that could put the human race at risk. You can see more information about Cern and Anthony Patch at
- Published on Mar 24, 2017
WARNING: Anthony Patch – CERN Will Resurrect NIMROD and His Band of Nephilim Demons.
– - Anthony Patch gives the low down on the plan by the Jesuit (Vatican) controlled CERN-LHC to release the ‘Beast’ ie Anti-Christ spirit from the Abyss (bottomless pit). He explains in layman terms the hidden occult technology that are already being employed to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 9.
– - For those of you who are following the occult agenda of CERN-LHC ‘666’. This is a must listen. Anthony Patch provides information not available anywhere on the inner Satanic agenda, the ‘resurrection’ technologies, preserved ‘Osiris/Nimrod’ head of Iraq, DNA of the Nephilim ‘gods’, DNA scanning and replication, Quantum computing …. and also the likely timeline for the release of the ‘Beast’ from the bottomless pit into the world. The Satanic plan for a One World Government led by the Anti-Christ and a One World Religion is about to unfold. We are running out of time and rapidly approaching the final 7 years of endtimes prophecy.
– - Revelation 17:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.[a]
Published on Mar 7, 2017