Brzezinski’s Ruse: American Empire is Dead, China And Russia Take Over
- The Synagogue of Satan rule the world. All 3 arms of the Illuminati: Western (US+Europe) Illuminati, Russian Illuminati and Chinese Illuminati have agreed to the coming Satanic WW3. The end results have all been agreed: Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’!
– - What the 3 Illuminati arms are ‘playing’ for is:
Who gets the most seats, the choices seats, in the World Government led by the Anti-Christ.
– - Don’t be taken for a ride. Emphasis mine:
by Towards a Global Realignment” that has received a tremendous amount of attention on the internet, along with much gloating. Zbigniew Brzezinski has written an article in The American Interest titled “
Brzezinski is an architect of the world’s current military and economic disasters and as such he has plenty of enemies. With this article, they see him recanting his previous arrogance and vision of a worldwide US hegemony.
In fact, in the alternative media, many champion his apparent admission as a huge win for the world and a huge defeat for imperialism. But it’s not. It is the exact opposite, as I’ll explain below.
Certainly, anyone who cares about humanity and freedom would love to see the American Empire die. It has been responsible for uncountable atrocities. And like many, I was surprised at first to learn that one of the world’s most evil men was “giving up.” But I’ve learned to never take devils like this at their word.
Really? Now, Brzezinski just says he is giving up? After a lifetime of building the American empire to the current monstrosity that it is? He’s not giving up. All he is doing – all they are doing (the ones who work with him) – is moving on to the next level of tyrannical, murderous empire. The next level will be a global empire. A one world government empire.
Brzezinski’s statement is just part of a larger strategy of thesis/antithesis/synthesis. In this case, Brzezinski used to provide the thesis as a co-leader of the elite, globalist Trilateral commission with David Rockefeller, but now he is providing the antithesis.
Take note of Putin. Is he really the hero who is going to stop the US Empire? Putin’s father was supposedly Stalin’s chauffer and Putin came to power under the watchful eye of US and Western bankers. Putin was an assistant to then-president Boris Yeltsin and served in various federal capacities in Moscow from 1996 to 1999.
He came to Moscow as a Deputy Chief of the Presidential Property Management Department. By August 1999 he had become one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers. This is an extraordinary rise to power, one so quick that it is tempting to say his rise was preordained. In other words, the three-year federal career he enjoyed was a kind of formality designed to justify what had already been decided on, that he would be the next leader of Russia. Quite similar to Obama’s sudden rise to power from a “community organizer”, whatever that is, to President of the US.
It’s important to emphasize that Putin’s rise must have been engineered by Russia’s Western/US supervisors. Nothing that took place in Russia at that time could have occurred another way. Putin must have had CIA and City blessing.
When it comes to the Chinese, the same sorts of assumptions can be made. There is a good chance, for instance, that China’s communist founder Mao was actually a member of Skull and Bones. Mao may have achieved this status by attending a Chinese branch of the Yale Divinity School. Though the US supposedly supported the “nationalists” when Mao was struggling to take power, a good argument can be made that, as before, Wall Street had already determined that communism would win.
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Us empire is dead because it has ran out of ideas and the not knowing of things is driving its paranoia hysteria and properganda