Bravo Brexit! At Long Last The Tyranny of The Global Financial Elite Has Been Slammed Good And Hard
- Bravo Brexit! At Long Last The Tyranny of The Global Financial Elite Has Been Slammed Good And Hard
by David Stockman • June 24, 2016,
At long last the tyranny of the global financial elite has been slammed good and hard. You can count on them to attempt another central bank based shock and awe campaign to halt and reverse the current sell-off, but it won’t be credible, sustainable or maybe even possible.
The central bankers and their compatriots at the EU, IMF, White House/Treasury, OECD, G-7 and the rest of the Bubble Finance apparatus have well and truly over-played their hand. They have created a tissue of financial lies; an affront to the very laws of markets, sound money and capitalist prosperity.
After all, what predicate of sober economics could possibly justify $10 trillion of sovereign debt trading at negative yields? Or a stock market trading at 24X reported earnings in the face of a faltering global economy and a tepid domestic US business cycle expansion which at 84 months is already long in the tooth and showing signs of recession everywhere?
And that’s to say nothing of the endless ranks of insanely over-valued “story” stocks like Valeant was and the megalomaniacal visions of Elon Musk still are. So there will be payback, clawback and traumatic deflation of the bubbles. Plenty of it, as far as the eye can see.
On the immediate matter of Brexit, the British people have rejected the arrogant rule of the EU superstate and the tyranny of its unelected courts, commissions and bureaucratic overlords.
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