Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] “The Bolshevik FreeMasons needed human sacrifice. According to Lenin they sacrificed people to Molok (Moloch). This was revealed by defecting Bolshevik leader Georges Solomon” – Quote at 1 hr 23.00 minutes This excellent documentary reveals the true history of communism and the occult power behind it. It is based on the book “Under the …
[youtube=] INTERVIEW WITH SHEILA ZILINSKI ON WEEKEND VIGILANTE June 7th: topics covered are economic & financial war against Russia and other enemy states who dislike continued usage of the USDollar, attack of Brazil and BRICS nations, some games possibly on the British Exit (BREXIT) vote, the abandonment sabotage theft of Saudi wealth, the other motive …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 8, 2016 Bilderberg protestor points out that the Dresden Govt is encouraging pro Migrant protestors to flood a square near the Bilderberg meeting. She disclosed that some protestors are being paid up to 45 Euros an hour. end
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Israel Wants a Peace Process – But Only If It’s Doomed to Fail by Jonathan Cook, In a familiar muddying of the waters, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spent the past week talking up peace while fiercely criticising Friday’s summit in France – the only diplomatic initiative on the horizon. – As foreign ministers …
[youtube=] Dire Financial Warnings and Debt Jubilee. US Debt Clock Shows Gold and Silver Way Undervalued by Greg Hunter’s Finance and economy writer David Morgan says there has been a noticeable increase in dire warnings from some of the biggest names in the investing world. Why are the elite sounding the alarm on another financial …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 7, 2016 The 2016 Bilderberg Meeting begins Thursday in Dresden, Germany. It’s the Illuminati mafia’s annual gathering to plot the course of the planet. end
[youtube=] Published on Jun 7, 2016 The re-purposing of US military Humvees into car bombs by the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group is another example of the outcome of the illegal US invasion of Iraq, an American political scientist and radio host says. [youtube=] end
Next Banking Scandal Explodes in Spain by Don Quijones , The last five years have been a bumper period for banking scams and scandals in crisis-ridden Spain. From Bankia’s doomed IPO in 2012 to the “misselling” of complexpreferentes shares to “unsophisticated” retail bank customers, including children and Alzheimers sufferers, all of the scandals have had one thing …
What War on Terror? Obama Admin Doesn’t Want Russia to Bomb Al-Nusra aka Al-Qaeda’s Affiliate in Syria by James the Russian Analyst, The headline from ABC News over the weekend said it all: “US Asks Russia to Not Hit Nusra Front in Syria, Moscow Says“. Even with the caveat ‘Moscow says’, the absurdity of the United …
[youtube=] Experiments with RFID microchipping have been ongoing for decades. There are many versions of the RFID chip as technology progresses. It is no secret that tech companies are pushing for the microchipping of almost all products for supply chain management, POS processing to replace the barcodes, product IDs and tracking …. The Satanic cabal …
Deutsche Bank’s Shocking ECB Rant: Warns Of Social Unrest And Another Great Depression by Tyler Durden, In early February, in a post titled “A Wounded Deutsche Bank Lashes Out At Central Bankers: Stop Easing, You Are Crushing Us“, we showed just how vast the feud between Europe’s biggest – and ever more troubled …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 8, 2016 Obamacare is imploding and the people in Colorado are now being dumped from their provider. France votes to lift sanctions on Russia. Victoria Nuland says we need more sanctions. US dispatches a representative to convince the European nations to keep the sanctions. China tells US to back off and …
Assad Deserves Universal Support Against US-Sponsored Terrorism by Stephen Lendman, Syria is Obama’s war, launched with imported terrorist foot soldiers to gain America another imperial trophy – while eliminating an Israeli rival and diminishing Russia’s regional influence. – Protecting Syria’s sovereign independence is crucial. If it goes, Iran is isolated. Its turn awaits. It’s forthrightly aiding …
[youtube=] First Ever ‘Frankenstein’ Human Head Transplant to Happen in Germany by The world’s first ever human head transplant operation will take place in Germany, The Daily Star reported, citing Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero, who said he planned to operate in December 2017. – “Today, I am officially asking Germany to help me realize the …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 8, 2016 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: This year’s official Bilderberg meeting agenda is the usual list of vague references to broad categories of topics…but is there anything we can gather from the topic list? And what of this year’s participants? Join James for today’s Thought for the Day as we …