Satan ‘Encouraged’ Charles Darwin to Conceive Evolution Theory — Ben Carson, Presidential Candidate
- Thank you Dr. Carson for having the testicles to tell the truth plainly. Charles Darwin was a high level Satanist. He was tutored/taught the Theory of Evolution by Satan himself. The real history is: Satan appeared to Darwin (face to face) and taught him personally the Satanic Theory of Evolution.
– - For all those Christians out there whose faith waver, who fall for this Satanic LIE: You are an IDIOT! It never ceases to amaze me, how many Christians will come out with outrageous theories, fantastic stories … with NO BASIS, NOT a single Bible verse support … just so they can reject the Bible, compromise with the Satanic Theory of Evolution.
Theory Of Evolution Was Created By Satan! Charles Darwin Was Tutored by Satan Himself for the Theory of Evolution!