CDC Likely Fabricating Link Between Zika Virus And Microcephaly Cases; Admits People Self-Immunize Against Zika And That ‘No Single Piece of Evidence Provides Conclusive Proof’
- CDC Likely Fabricating Link Between Zika Virus And Microcephaly Cases; Admits People Self-Immunize Against Zika And That ‘No Single Piece of Evidence Provides Conclusive Proof’
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
(NaturalNews) The CDC is now warning that gay sex partners can transmit Zika virus and infect each other. According to CBS News in Dallas, “…it’s the first report of infection between a gay couple, and worry that Zika will spread even faster through sex — as well as through mosquito bites.”
That same story also reports the CDC insists there is “no longer any doubt” that Zika virus causes microcephaly (abnormally small heads) in children born to those who are infected with Zika. However, with the CDC’s history of rampant, anti-scientific fear mongering over infectious diseases, it’s impossible to know whether the CDC is deliberately lying for the purpose of generating more funding for vaccine research.
People self-immunize against Zika, admits CDC
Despite the media frenzy over Zika, the CDC admits on its own website that people self-immunize against the virus.
“People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika,” says the CDC’s Zika information page. “For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected. Once a person has been infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections.”
In other words, a Zika virus infection usually produces no symptoms, requires no hospitalization and builds self-immunity against future Zika exposure. The CDC refuses to describe it this way, of course, because there’s a fortune to be made spreading Zika scare stories and selling Zika vaccines to people who largely don’t need them. The visual shock factor of babies with shrunken heads makes the media frenzy an automatic success, even if those shrunken heads were caused by something else entirely.
Many doctors in South America believe that microcephaly is caused by a larvicide chemical linked to Monsanto, and that the Zika virus scare is just a cover story. As described in this Natural News article:
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