Obama Threatens War on Russian Forces in Syria
- Obama Threatens War on Russian Forces in Syria
by https://larouchepac.com/
The Wall Street Journal was today supplied with a leak from the White House that a “Plan B” is being prepared for Syria, in the case that the ceasefire fails. Manpads – man-portable air defense systems, capable of taking down Russian and Syrian war planes – are to be supplied to terrorists (referred to as the “moderate opposition”) in Syria, according to the unnamed official sources. The message in the Journal is not subtle:
The private message conveyed by U.S. officials to their Russian counterparts, who have backed the Assad regime with air power since last year, has been that the moderate opposition isn’t going away and that a return to full-scale fighting could end up putting more Russian pilots in danger, according to U.S. officials.
I.e., Plan B is to launch a war on Russia.
It should be remembered that the US provided huge quantities of Stinger antiaircraft missiles to the mujaheddin in Afghanistan in 1986 to use against Russian planes and helicopters, a mujaheddin which had been recruited and trained by the British and the CIA from Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states around the world, thus giving birth to al-Qaeda. The pattern today is the same.
That this is the plan is made clear by the fact that on the same day as the Wall Street Journal revelation about the war plan, Obama visited CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. He will have discussed the urgency of stopping Russia and the legitimate Syrian government from consolidating their victory against the terrorist scourge in that war-ravaged nation. Then, next week, Obama flies to Saudi Arabia to meet with the funders and controllers of the terrorist networks internationally among the Saudi Royalty, before moving on to London to pay obeisance to the the Bloody Queen and to the Saudis’ controllers in Buckingham Palace.
But things are not going well for the mass killer in the White House. Sunday night’s CBS “60 Minutes” expose on the role of the Saudis in the 9/11 terror attack on the United States, moving the LaRouche movement’s campaign into the popular limelight, comes only days before Obama travels to Saudi Arabia.
At the same time, Obama’s role in destroying the American economy is exploding in his face, as the so-called “slow recovery” is now sliding rapidly into zero or negative growth, despite frantic measures to impose negative interest rates across the advanced sector, and increasing talk of “helicopter money” — literally placing newly printed money in banks, businesses and even private accounts, desperately trying to hold back the tide of the financial disintegration of the western financial system.
Even the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) admitted today that most of the leading banks have failed once again to demonstrate any capacity to survive the coming crash without yet another massive taxpayer bailout — which, in fact, is impossible in the current state of the economy. The former Kansas City Federal Reserve Chairman Thomas Hoenig, now the Vice Chairman of the FDIC, issued a statement on the state of the SIFIs (Systemically Important Financial Institutions, or the “too big to fail” banks):
No firm yet shows itself capable of being resolved in an orderly fashion through bankruptcy. Thus, the goal to end too big to fail and protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts remains just that: only a goal.
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