Gerald Celente: Get Prepped For Global Systemic Collapse!
Gerald Celente: Get Prepped For Global Systemic Collapse
More ridiculous predictable market action today. The worse things become in the real world the more frantic the stupidity becomes. The American authorities are clearly terrified that their world role as hegemon is being threatened and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that your fears of war will turn out to be a reality.
– John Embry
It was reported yesterday that a Government panel is recommending that all adults over the age of 18 should be screened for “depression” – LINK. Nothwithstanding the fact that the term “depression” is a subjective concept, it exemplifies the move in the Government to control the population. It’s a frightening movement toward Totalitarianism that has been in motion since the formation of the Federal Reserve and the ratification of the16th Amendment, giving the Federal Government authority to enact an income tax. Both events occurred in 1913.
Make no mistake about it, the Government panel’s recommendation, if it finds its way somehow through Congress, is an underhanded way for the Government to implement gun control. We can’t have depressed people running around with guns in their possession. In addition, there’s no doubt that one of the big drug or hospital corporations has devised some sort of “depression screening” protocol which generates very high margin profits. Even better if the testing is covered by Medicare and Medicaid so the taxpayers can fill yet another big trough from which corporate America feeds.
The irony in the Totalitarian creep of the Federal Government is that humans don’t like the idea that they can’t control their immediate lives and living environment. Thus, they want to believe with surprising adamance that their vote matters – that they can control the outcome of an election with their “participation” in the process. Of course, nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact of the matter is that the modern Presidential process has become little more than the political version of “The Jerry Springer Show.” It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck repetitively with the now-frequent “debates” and “town hall” meetings.
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