Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Jan 8, 2016 When the next financial crisis comes – the big banks could save themselves by stealing right out of your checking account. Banking expert Ellen Brown, Public Banking Institute/Web of Debt/The Public Bank Solution will explain how in tonight’s Conversations with Great Minds. end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 15, 2016 The military expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has put the US-led alliance on a path toward military confrontation with Russia, says an American political analyst. end
[youtube=] [youtube=] Published on Jan 15, 2016 On this Friday, January 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover Donald Trump’s free showing of the Benghazi film, 13 Hours, in Iowa and his attack on open borders. Other stories include famed professor Noam Chomsky’s accusation that Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aiding the Islamic …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 15, 2016 David Knight talks with economist Peter Schiff about the Federal Reserve and how they have been systematically sabotaging the global economy. end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 15, 2016 David Knight talks with Gerald Celente about the economic downturn and what the elites plan to distract the masses is. end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 15, 2016 The stock market crashes which continues its 10 worse day since the beginning of this year. UBS says its time to buy gold. Walmart is closing stores and laying off 10,000 employees. Retail sales crashed this holiday season and stores are starting to feel the pain. Business to inventories …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 14, 2016 Sheldon Adelson, the casino-owning billionaire recently bought the largest daily newspaper in Nevada, The Los Vegas Review Journal. Joining RT’s Alex Michailovich to discuss the buy-up is legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media, who says that corruption in liberal medias such as CNN, MSNBC and the New …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 14, 2016 In spite of French-led U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 creating a no-fly zone over Libya with the express intent of protecting civilians, one of the over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve, contain damning evidence of Western nations using NATO as …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 13, 2016 Human rights groups are highlighting the plight of a Palestinian journalist who they claim is near death in an Israeli prison. Read More: end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 12, 2016 Israeli authorities have issued administrative detention orders for 34 Palestinian detainees. The Palestinian Prisoners Society says 14 of the detainees received the orders for the first time, while detention orders were renewed for 20 others. There are at least 500 Palestinian prisoners held behind bars under Israel’s administrative detention policy. …
I am inclined to agree with Paul Brodsky. The FedRes will not bailout the stock market this time round. Its priority is defending the USD ie. the global monetary hegemony of the western Illuminati. By raising interest rates while other nations are reducing theirs and embarking on more QE, the USD will strengthen against other …
Ralph Nader Destroys the Federal Reserve in Open Letter – Calls it “Out of Control, Private Government” by Michael Krieger, When it comes to the Fed, Congress is mired in hypocrisy. The anti-regulation, de-regulation crowd on Capitol Hill shuts its mouth when it comes to the most powerful regulators of all – you and the Federal …
The 70+% collapse of oil price from US$100-110/barrel in 2014 to US$29.70/barrel today means that demand for US treasuries (ie US bonds, IOUS, fixed income) has also collapsed. For oil exporting nations, to plug budget deficits, they will need to sell some of their SWF, foreign reserves … This increases the supply of US treasuries …
Emphasis mine: British Step Up Bail-in Genocide, as Markets Crumble by “Sell everything except high quality bonds” because 2016 is going to be a “cataclysmic year,” the credit chief of the Queen’s own Royal Bank of Scotland wrote in a recent note to clients, according to a January 11 article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard published …
US Freight Volumes Fall For First Time In 3 Years As Baltic Dry Crashes Under 400 by Tyler Durden, It was just two weeks ago when we highlighted a Morgan Stanley note which showed that US trucking has not been this bad since 2009. That revelation came on the heels of an abysmal …
Dow Sinks 390 Points in Global Selloff, Crude Falls Nears $29 by Jeremy Herron, Dani Burger, * S&P 500 falls to lowest since August, Europe in bear market * Yield on 10-year Treasury note declines below 2 percent – Stocks tumbled around the world, with U.S. equities sinking to their lowest levels since August, and bonds …