Are Saudi Arabia and Iran Edging Toward War?

- The western Illuminati is desperate to start their WW3 to protect their global monetary hegemony. They are just using their proxies: Saudi Arabia and allies in the Middle East, to ignite the Greater Middle East war.
– - Are Saudi Arabia and Iran Edging Toward War?
The conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran could spark a conflict considerably more damaging and horrific than the Iran-Iraq War, but would they actually do it?
Kirill Vysokolov — After Saudi Arabia and Iran broke off diplomatic relations on Sunday, the prospect of war between the two countries has become a new concern.
The two countries are already said to be involved in proxy wars against each other in Yemen and Syria. The new escalation with the killing of a prominent Shiite preacher draws parallels to the 1980s, which led to a conflict that threatened to engulf the whole region.
A war between the two countries would not be in the interest of any major power, as such a conflict would both spread regional instability and create shocks in the global oil supply. However, Saudi Arabia has apparently already said that it would not obey orders from Washington.
“Every time the Iranians do something, the U.S. backs off. In the meantime, Saudi (Arabia) is actually doing something about it in Syria, in Iran and in Yemen. The Saudis really don’t care if they anger the White House,” an “insider” source simultaneously told AP and Reuters on Sunday.
The source later told Reuters that the Saudis do “care” about the White House position, “But it’s an instance in which the Saudis [feel they] need to forge ahead on their own in their own best interests in terms of dealing with Iran in the region.”
Historic Precedent
Internal tensions between Sunnis and Shiites, together with overlapping economic and political interests already led to the highly destructive Iran-Iraq war, which lasted between 1980 and 1988. The initial Iran-Iraq standoff in 1980 also involved the execution of a key Shiite cleric, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr by Saddam Hussein’s government amid increasing unrest amid Iraq’s majority-Shiite population.
Unlike the Shiite unrest occasionally witnessed in Saudi Arabia as part of what has become known as the Arab Spring, the Shia unrest in Iraq was in part influenced by Iran’s Islamic Revolution, which sought to overthrow both monarchies and secular republics across the Middle East.
Iraq’s influential Shiite political leader Nouri al-Maliki referenced the killing of al-Sadr when he pledged that Saudi Arabia would be toppled following its killing of preacher Nimr al-Nimr.
“As we condemn this disgusting terrorist act and these detestable sectarian practices, we reaffirm that the crime of executing Sheikh al-Nimr will topple the Saudi regime, just as the crime of executing the martyr al-Sadr toppled the Saddam regime,” al-Maliki said on Saturday.
Outside of the al-Nimr killing, Saudi-Iranian relations are at their worst since 1987, when Saudi Arabia broke off relations with Iran following an apparent massacre of Iranian pilgrims in Mecca during a Hajj. That massacre led to a storming of the Saudi embassy in Iran by angry youths and the death of a Saudi diplomat. Saudi Arabia severed relations with Iran for four years in response.
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US Military Spec ops have been assigned to the Oregon stand off RD Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 03:15:38 +0000 To: