Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything is Disintegrating
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything is Disintegrating
by Rory, The Daily Coin for Shadow of Truth
Above is a conversation that is unlike any that I have heard before. When preparing for interviews Dave Kranzler and I usually go over what we are going to discuss, how to get the show started and how we will hand off the conversation. It’s a good formula that has served us well. We are very, very grateful Dr. Roberts had other ideas.
Our world, as many of you know, is experiencing massive, unprecedented change at an ever increasing pace. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, is not only one of the foremost economist in the world, but he also has one of the world’s most respected voices covering the geopolitical landscape.
The American people are asleep at the wheel. The blame is not totally their’s, but they do bare the brunt of the blame. The mainstream media does not report what is happening within our economy or the geopolitical arena, unless they can spew on and on about the endless rainbows, unicorns and how “America is the greatest and Putin is the devil.” No depth of coverage, nothing of real value reported, so the American people are left ignorant and wanting for truth. When you work 2 or more part time jobs, are struggling with keeping a roof over your head and the kids need new shoes, it becomes a challenge to seek the truth even though you know the “report” Brian Williams just delivered is a fabricated piece of fantasy. There is almost no truth to be found in the American mainstream media.
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