The Case of the Satanic John Schellnhuber. Climate Change Policy and The Depopulation Genocide of 6 Billion

- On Razor’s Edge: The Case of the Satanic John Schellnhuber
Every aspect of the global strategic situation is on razor’s edge.
The world is poised at the brink of nuclear war, as Obama and the British escalate their provocations against both Russia and China. (Russian President Putinannounced today that Russia will acquire over 40 new ICBMs this year, “that will be capable of overcoming any, even the most technically sophisticated, missile defense system.”)
The trans-Atlantic financial system is hanging by the thinnest of threads, while Wall Street and the City of London issue one sadistic ultimatum after another to try to humiliate and make a bloody example of Greece. (Greek Prime Minister Tsipras announced today that he will be meeting with Putin in Russia on June 19.)
And the dramatic countervailing momentum generated by the BRICS process is already changing the global landscape, in the run-up to the July 9-10 summits of the BRICS and the SCO, in Ufa, Russia. The corner-stones of an entirely new international economic system are being put in place.
That is why, LaRouche continued, it is scientifically accurate to say that environmentalist “green” policies are pro-Satanic, a point with which all valid Christianity agrees, as seen in the example of Cusa. Those who are promoting the authority and views of people like John Schellnhuber, in the context of the upcoming Papal encyclical on climate change, are promoting a Satanic policy. Schellnhuber, Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE), advocates the radical “de-carbonization” of the entire planet, which would demonstrably result in the reduction of the planet’s population to 1-2 billion people. LaRouche concluded:
“The Vatican should not be associated with the likes of the Satanic John Schellnhuber.”
