Pedophilia Coverups Coming Down Like A House Of Cards
Published on Jun 18, 2015
Warning: This report contains an extremely graphic interview with John DeCamp. Buried in the memory hole of modern civilization lies the immoral corrosive culture of the world’s elite. Last week Dominique Straus Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Candidate for the French Presidency and Bilderberg attendee, closed another chapter on a saga rife with perversion. A French court acquitted Kahn of “aggravated pimping”, claiming that Kahn did not help operate an illegal prostitution network. Kahn said he was present at the orgies attended by lawyers,judges,police officials, and journalists because he was overwhelmed with stress dealing with saving the world’s economy as the head of the IMF. That stress really must have gotten to him when he sexually assaulted a maid in a Times Square hotel only hours before he was scheduled to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
And this only scrapes the surface of the many allegations weighing on the overall perception of the ruling elite. The charactar projected to the common hard working people of Planet Earth is one of pure evil.
This loathsome lack of moral latitude fomented by the ruling elite seeps to the surface like a toxic chemical attempting to sway the hearts and minds of Americans, to be integrated into the modus operandi of the common culture. But the good people of America are many, regardless of the media’s grip on politics, music, and entertainment.
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