Ferguson Cops Get Military Equipment from Feds!
- Ferguson Cops Get Military Equipment from Feds!
by Kurt Nimmo | www.Infowars.com
Even small cities receive wide range of DoD arms under 1033 program
Obama took time out from his Martha’s Vineyard vacation to remind the American people that he has instructed the Justice Department and the FBI to investigate the Michael Brown shooting in Missouri.
“I’ve already tasked the Department of Justice and the FBI to independently investigate the death of Michael Brown, along with local officials on the ground,” Obama said. “The Department of Justice is also consulting with local authorities about ways that they can maintain public safety without restricting the right of peaceful protest and while avoiding unnecessary escalation. I made clear to the attorney general that we should do what is necessary to help determine exactly what happened and to see that justice is done.”
It is unlikely the government will conclude an increasing number of deaths at the hands of police is directly attributable to the militarization of law enforcement.
In a report on police militarization, the ACLU discovered the unprecedented militarization of police encouraged and financed by the federal government – with direct participation by the Defense Department to the Department of Homeland Security – has affected police culture in America.
“Our analysis shows that the militarization of American policing is evident in the training that police officers receive, which encourages them to adopt a ‘warrior’ mentality and think of the people they are supposed to serve as enemies, as well as in the equipment they use, such as battering rams, flashbang grenades, and APCs,” the ACLU explains in War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing, released in June.
In regard to the situation in Missouri, USA Today noted today St. Louis County, where Ferguson is located, was a recipient of Pentagon equipment.
The federal 1033 program put in place by Congress in the early 1990s has distributed $4.3 billion in equipment ranging from office supplies to bomb disposal robots and advanced military technology.
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