New Chinese Bird Flu May Be Worse Than H7N9 Virus!
- And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. – Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report
– - I have mentioned many times that the western Illuminati intends to release an ethnic specific bio-weapon, probably under the guise of Bird Flu or SARS, to kill mainly Chinese! SARS 2003 was an engineered virus which killed only Chinese! It was a very successful bio-weapon test ! Could this latest manifestation be part of the intended bio-weapon release ahead of the scheduled Satanic World War 3? It is highly probable! The Chinese Illuminati will no doubt ‘return the favour’ by releasing bio-weapons against the west. We are all screwed! Emphasis mine:
Ex. British Military: The Illuminati Plans World War 3 in 18 – 24 Months!
China will catch a Cold
… During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened. This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.
– - Lyndon LaRouche, The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People Quote
“(Obama) .. is simply an instrument of London! … He has already taken the step … which leads to, in a very short time, countdown to thermonuclear war! … you have about one and a half hours at most to finish off the human species! … the British and British Queen … are really the authors of this war! The evidence is there, the plan was for the Queen who said it publicly repeatedly that her policy to effect the reduction of the population of the planet from the 7 billion people to about 1 (billion). The Queen has already implementing that policy! She becomes the greatest would be mass murderer in the history of mankind!”
– - Keep in mind that the Satanic bloodlines have given the go ahead for the depopulation of the planet. See here:
Lyndon Larouche: Obama Administration’s War Lies! The Path to Thermonuclear WW3 and the Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Rachel Brown: LaRouche Was Right, Obama Means Genocide! The Illuminati’s Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: Rapid Population Reduction Policy Implemented by The Illuminati! The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: The Moment of Our Greatest Crisis! Thermonuclear World War And The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion!
– - New Chinese Bird Flu May Be Worse Than H7N9 Virus!
by Cassie Ryan, Epoch Times
A virus called H7N7 has been discovered in chickens in China, according to a new study published in the journal Nature.
A team of Hong Kong researchers found the virus in about 25 percent of the fowl sampled, many of which also had the H7N9 virus. By testing the H7N7 virus on ferrets, the researchers found that it can be transmitted to mammals.
“If (we) let this H7N7 continue circulating in chickens, I am sure that human infection cases will occur,” study co-author Guan Yi at the University of Hong Kong told AFP. “This virus could cause more severe infection than … H7N9, based on our animal experiment.” H7N7 appears to have developed alongside H7N9, which has killed 44 of more than 130 people infected in China.
“We think it is scary for humans,” Guan added. “Our entire human population almost has no antibodies against the H7 subtype of influenza virus. Thus, if it causes pandemic outbreak, it will kill many people.”
The scientists believe a better surveillance system is needed to monitor for dangerous viruses like H7N9 that may be emerging. “This is a very different influenza ecosystem from other countries,” Guan said, according to Nature.
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