Staged Terror Attacks Planned After NSA Scandal ! New World Order, World Government Agenda!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] Published on Aug 6, 2013 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the strawmen of finance, the Help to Buy straw purchase scheme in the UK and the ‘unrealized’ losses on the Fed’s balance sheet as the bondpocalypse gallops into town. Max Keiser also asks, “why don’t the …
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[youtube=] If you believe the politician snakes in the District of Criminals (DC): You are an IDIOT! – Congress Has Been Denied Access to NSA Information – They Cannot Oversee Anything! by Obama effectively has outright lied to the world and the American people. He said the NSA posed no risk because it was …
Young woman’s ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck ‘forgot to research’ effects of vaccine on female reproduction! by Jonathan Benson, (NaturalNews) A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women’s reproductive …
The Lie Must Go On: BLS “Catches” BLS At Misrepresenting 2013 Job Gains By Over 40%! by Tyler Durden, Many were surprised when last month we exposed the divergent lies at the Bureau of Labor Statistics when comparing two otherwise convergent data sets: the monthly all-important Non-Farm Payroll report and the (one month-delayed) JOLTS …
[youtube=] Published on Aug 6, 2013 Alex is joined by fellow GCN host Katherine Albrecht regarding the NSA spying on the American people and how we can protect ourselves. Alex continues with special guest Katherine Albrecht on the topic of false health studies and quackified cancer cures as well taking callers on the topics of …
How do you stabilize a currency in the face of hyper-inflation? You back it with a hard asset like gold ! Both Russia and China are preparing for this eventuality! Countries that do not have physical gold will suffer the destruction of their national currencies via hyper-inflation! – China’s gold imports still at unprecedented highs! …
All wars are based on deception! – Sun Tzu, The Art of War! The NSA, CIA, MI5/6, Mossad …. are western Illuminist intelligence agencies! They serve the western Illuminati. The NSA is the organization in charge of the global Beast ‘666’ network! The agenda is: Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank, One …
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Michael Pento – Expect Economic Chaos & Financial Collapse! by On the heels of more volatile trading in key markets, today one of the top economists in the world sent King World News an exclusive piece warning investors to expect economic chaos and financial collapse. He also discussed what investors should be doing to …
See also: – Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price: Elites Plan to Control the World ! Quadrillion Dollar Financial Derivatives Meltdown to Trigger Global Collapse! – Lindsey Williams: “This Is Exactly What My Elite Friend Said Will Happen”! Financial Derivatives Collapse to Trigger Global Meltdown! Date is Set ! by Billionaire Issues Chilling Warning About Interest Rate …
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[youtube=] Published on Aug 5, 2013 In this exclusive interview with Ann Barnhardt, founder of the former Barnhard Capital Management, Barnhardt exposes the blatant fraud in US financial markets, the recent IRS scandal, the financial enslavement of the American people, and whether Obama is conspiring to collapse our economy! As the most popular “Finance and …