As Climate Theories Implode, Obama & Co. Launch Witch Hunt !
- As Climate Theories Implode, Obama & Co. Launch Witch Hunt!
by Alex Newman,
As global-warming theories continue to implode in the face of growing evidence that Earth might even be entering a cooling phase, the Obama administration appears to be doubling down on the alarmism. Vowing to “act on climate change” without Congress if necessary, the administration is also launching a full-blown witch hunt aimed at crushing so-called “climate deniers” — scientists and other skeptics, including lawmakers, who question largely debunked United Nations claims about humanity’s alleged impact on global warming.
From seeking to purge government employees who question the supposed “science” to viciously targeting lawmakers who express skepticism about UN climate dogma with extreme labels like “dangerous” and “radical,” the attacks are becoming increasingly fanatical and desperate. Obama’s political organizing machine, now known as “Organizing for Action,” meanwhile, is trying in vain to rally its foot soldiers to the cause.
In a childish video about Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), for example, OFA branded the conservative-leaning senator a “dangerous” “radical” “climate denier” for standing with thousands of respected scientists in expressing doubts about the “science” behind global-warming hysteria. All across the country, coalitions of extremist pseudo-environmentalist groups have been handing out “climate denier awards” to lawmakers who refuse to bow down to the establishment’s pressure on global warming.
Within the executive branch, meanwhile, top administration officials are loudly denouncing the climate heretics while working to rout them out. Various media outlets, for instance, highlighted an August 1 agency-wide address to employees by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell that analysts said was aimed at silencing any debate on global-warming theories within the department. “I hope there are no climate-change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said, drawing furious criticism from real scientists and experts who pointed out that to stifle debate on a theory is the very essence of unscientific.
Separately, Secretary of State Kerry confirmed last week during a press conference in Brazil that Obama planned to bypass Congress in his efforts to adopt unconstitutional “climate” measures. “So the challenge is ahead of us, for all of us, and I know that the United States has a great commitment under President Obama to take our own initiatives, not even to wait for congressional action, but to move administratively in order to do our part,” he said, echoing numerous vows by Obama to ignore lawmakers if they refuse to submit. “I know we can continue to work with Brazil on this issue of climate, and we look forward to doing so.”
At the embattled Environmental Protection Agency, current EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy also made clear last week that the administration planned to move forward on “climate” — regardless of what Congress thinks about it. Speaking at the University of Colorado, McCarthy praised recent statements by Obama promising lawless and unconstitutional “executive actions” to deal with the supposed problem, calling the president’s comments “most remarkable.”
“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she explained. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.” McCarthy also vowed to “do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand” that the dictatorial “climate” decrees are actually good for them.
Apparently, the impetus for what analysts have blasted as EPA’s “dictatorial action” on supposed global warming came straight from the top. In an interview with the Washington Post, McCarthy explained that when she first met with Obama to discuss running the EPA — itself created via unconstitutional “executive order” — the first words out of the president’s mouth dealt with having the agency focus on “climate.” “He sees this as a necessary part of his legacy,” she added, failing to mention that the supposed “science” behind UN global warming theories was crumbling in front of the world.
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- “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.“
– “The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991. (The Club of Rome is part of the Illuminati RoundTable)
– - Man-made global warming is a psyop by Illuminist social engineers planned many decades ago. It is to drive the world to world government (Luciferian New World Order) using global manufactured crisis. It is to institute a world carbon ‘666’ tax to finance their machinations for world government. It is really financial rape by the Illuminist banksters. The planet is not getting warmer, it is in fact getting cooler! Global warming is a HOAX!