What Now Lies Ahead Is A Terrifying Panic & Collapse!
- What Now Lies Ahead Is A Terrifying Panic & Collapse!!
by www.kingworldnews.com
On the heels of continued volatility in key global markets, today 40-year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson, put together another tremendous piece. Fitzwilson, who is founder of The Portola Group, warns KWN readers around the world what now lies ahead is a terrifying panic & collapse. Below is Fitzwilson’s outstanding and exclusive piece.
By Robert Fitzwilson of The Portola Group
August 25 (King World News) – “What Lies Ahead Is A Chaotic Collapse”
Printing and currency debasement has never worked and it never will. What lies ahead is a chaotic collapse of any asset reliant upon the integrated web of fiat money creation. Most people refer to it as hyperinflation of prices. In our mind, it makes more sense to refer to it as hyper-devaluation of paper currencies — an instantaneous, hyperbolic collapse relative to real assets. As was reiterated this week, gold is not going up, the currencies are going down with increasing volatility and speed.
At some point, paper currencies will collapse down the elevator shaft of history. While the elevator shaft is linear, gravity makes the experience much more terrifying. Time is running very short for people to convert as much fiat currency assets into real assets as possible. The stampede into gold and silver continues apace. One can only wonder about when panic will ensue for industrial users dependent upon silver in a declining production, increased demand world.
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