Wondering What Harmless ‘Metadata’ Like the NSA Compiles Can Actually Reveal? German Politician Shows You!

- The current cell phone and GPS technology already has the capability to locate anybody on earth down to the centimetre accuracy! It can even locate the floor/elevation you are at. All live! Perfect for targeting anyone with a drone strike!
– - Wondering What Harmless ‘Metadata’ Like the NSA Compiles Can Actually Reveal? German Politician Shows You!
by Liz Klimas, http://www.theblaze.com/
The term “metadata” has been tossed around lately, especially after the leak about the NSA’s classified programs last month. It’s a collection of allegedly harmless — and nothing too specific — data from phone and Internet companies. But what if that’s not quite true?
Prior to leak about the NSA, TheBlaze detailed just what this information could show about an individual when the government investigating phone records of Associated Press reporters and editors was a hot button issue. But now a German politician has taken it a step further, using six months of his own metadata to give a visual of what this information really depicts.
Malte Spitz, a member of Germany’s Green party, sued the telecommunication company Deutsche Telekom to give up 35,830 records of his data from 2009 into 2010. Zeit Online then compiled these six months of Spitz’s life on a map showing how many incoming and outgoing calls and text messages were had and how long he used the Internet.
Spitz explained as much in an op-ed in the New York Times Sunday about it titled “Germans Loved Obama. Now We Don’t Trust Him.”
“Three weeks ago, when the news broke about the National Security Agency’s collection of metadata in the United States, I knew exactly what it meant. My records revealed the movements of a single individual; now imagine if you had access to millions of similar data sets. You could easily draw maps, tracing communication and movement. You could see which individuals, families or groups were communicating with one another. You could identify any social group and determine its major actors,” he continued later in his op-ed. [Emphasis added]
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