Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
New Snowden leak: Australia’s place in US spying web! by Ex-NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden has disclosed his first set of documents outlining Australia’s role in NSA surveillance programs, picking out four facilities in the country that contribute heavily to US spying. – The locations of dozens of the US’s and associated countries …
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The FBI is really a ‘private police force’ of the Satanic Rothschild-Rockefeller bloodline! The people at the top are Illuminists-Satanists, the lower rungs do not know what is really going on. They are sheeple brainwashed into believing the illusion, delusions of the Illuminist social engineers. The standard technique is always to masquerade great evil in light! – …
[youtube=] Family Sues After Dangerous Flu Vaccine Causes Child to Become Severely Brain Damaged ! by Christina England, A family in Perth, Australia, is seeking compensation from the pharmaceutical company CSL Limited. Their daughter Saba became severely disabled after she received the flu vaccine Fluvax in 2010. The family is suing CSL Limited for …
[youtube=] ” … most of the intelligence was not against the enemy, not even against the Soviet Union. It was against all the neighbouring countries in the South Pacific. It was against Japan ….” – Quote from 11:34 onwards “… so while publicly we were told terrorists, enemies, communists in practice it wasn’t! It was …
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Shanghai Silver Stocks Fall Nearly 50% Since April ! by Ever since the take-down of the price of silver in April, silver warehouse stocks have been declining in a large way at the Shanghai Futures Exchange. At the peak on April 12th, the Shanghai Futures Exchange held 1,124 tonnes of silver at its warehouses. …
Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System … Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale! by WashingtonsBlog Big Banks Move Into Uranium Mining, Petroleum Products, Aluminum, Ownership and Operation Of Airports, Toll Roads, and Ports, and Electricity – Top economists, financial experts and bankers say that the big banks are too large …
Schedule to pull the plug to trigger the global economic, financial and currency collapse? October 2013 will be very stormy and rough! Got physical gold yet? – FOMC Minutes: Half The Fed Participants Said It Would Be Appropriate To End QE “Late This Year”! by Tyler Durden, Discord appears to be the best word …
[youtube=] I have always wondered why the Saudi Arabia ruling class (House of Saud)never really supported the Palestinian cause. They pay lip service but never really put into action what they say. They are clearly pro-American and some would say in cahoots with Zionist Israel. Here are some possible answers. – Is the Saudi Royal …
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Short Squeeze or Buying Panic? by Bill Holter, I wrote yesterday that when gold starts moving up (I believe the process has already started) that the movement will be viewed differently depending where in the world you are situated. I say “situated” because the view of gold is different between those in the West …
GOFO Explained And Why It’s Now Very Bullish For Gold ! by This (the price correction in gold) is good news. Gold is doing what it should do. And it is giving us another good opportunity to buy a life vest before the boat sinks. – Bill Bonner, LINK – Something curious and very rare has …