John Embry: This Is Heading Toward A Catastrophic Ending!

- Embry – This Is Heading Toward A Catastrophic Ending!
Today John Embry told King World News we are now headed toward a catastrophic ending. Embry also warned KWN to expect tremendous chaos going forward as the world moves into the first global hyperinflation. Below is what Embry, chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management, had to say:
“You can’t create more and more debt, which is required to get economic activity moving forward at a decent pace. They will try, but ultimately it will reflect itself in inflation. So what we potentially face is the first global move toward hyperinflation in world history.
Hyperinflation has happened many times in history, but without exception it has been confined to specific countries or small regions. This one would appear to be heading in a global direction, and because it (hyperinflation) is the most corrosive thing that can happen to a society I cringe at the thought of this coming to fruition….
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