Jim Sinclair: Conflict Erupts As Elites Plan More Wealth Destruction!
- Sinclair: Conflict Erupts As Elites Plan More Wealth Destruction!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today Jim Sinclair warned King World News that conflict has now erupted between Western central planners as the elites have planned further wealth destruction. Sinclair also cautioned that people in the US and Canada will be shocked when their wealth is stolen. Below is what Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to assist during a Wall Street crisis, had to say in this remarkable interview.
Sinclair: “How in the world can Lagarde say that Cyprus is a one-off? The spreading of bail-in being written into Canadian law, New Zealand law, as well as in other countries, tends to indicate that what has been done in Cyprus is in fact a test case for further application. If it wasn’t, it was an economic act of war by Europe against Russia.”
Eric KIng: “Jim, when you see that being written into law in countries elsewhere, they are not setting that up for no reason.”
Sinclair: “No. They are not writing that in because some junior clerk supports the approach. When countries write things into legal documents it passes legal review. So the possibility of that being a mistake is nil….
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