John Hathaway: Give-Up Phase As Gartman Shorting Gold Is Bullish!

- Hathaway – Give-Up Phase As Gartman Shorting Gold Is Bullish!
Today John Hathaway told King World News, “… we are psychologically at the give-up phase on gold.” The 40-year veteran and prolific manager of the Tocqueville Gold Fund also stated that Dennis Gartman announcing he shorted gold yesterday is a very bullish development for the gold market. But first, here is what Hathaway said to expect next for gold: “Eric, this feels to me like last May when gold had a launch into September to complete a pretty big rally. It was a more than a 40% kind of move on the XAU. All of the things I look at, sentiment, trading volume, commentary, you know Credit Suisse put that piece out about the end of the bull market in gold.”
“All of that tells me we’re pretty darn close to the end of this (correction in gold). I know it’s exasperating and painful. I feel the same thing myself because I am an investor. You’ve got to look at the bigger picture, and the bigger picture is that we probably aren’t going to have much in the way of economic growth.
That means the deficits are not going to close the way the optimists are saying. The Fed is going to have to continue to buy Treasury bonds at a very high rate and expand their balance sheet or interest rates are going to skyrocket….
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