Estulin Interviews Wertz on Spanish Russia Today TV: Obama’s Alliance With Al-Qaeda!
- Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA! The term “Al Qaeda” is really a marketing meme to sell to the world a contrived/faked/false flag terrorism! Al Qaeda is really Al CIAda. Al Qaeda is a collection of mercenaries, criminals thugs, violent gangs … under the employment of the western Illuminati. The management, planning, financing, logistic supplies, target selection, training …. are all done via western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI6, Mossad …. etc. Al Qaeda is used to sell to the world an ever-present enemy and used as an excuse to invade countries, to destroy sovereignties! It is for the purpose of world conquest for the coming Luciferian New World Order! Emphasis mine:
Estulin Interviews Wertz on Spanish Russia Today TV: Obama’s Alliance With Al-Qaeda!
The second season of Daniel Estulin’s widely-viewed weekly interview program on Spanish-language Russia Today TV, “From the Shadows,” premiered today with an interview with Will Wertz, President of the Schiller Institute. The blurb announcing the interview on the RT site says: “The contemporary world is full of contradictions which… only at first blush seem to be contradictions. How can it be that Washington is supporting organizations that in reality are branches of Al-Qaeda, the mortal enemy of the U.S.?”
Estulin opened the discussion by stating: “Obama is forging an in-depth alliance with Al-Qaeda, deploying millions of dollars to finance the terrorists’ efforts to overthrow, first, the government of Libya, and now the government of Syria… Will, what’s going on here?”
Wertz detailed the specifics of the British-Obama-Al-Qaeda alliance and their involvement in the Benghazi attack, and explained the broader policy context: “This policy of eliminating national sovereignty is being used as a tool to create chaos in all of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Asia. It’s part of the total geopolitical strategy whose target is Russia and China. And this basically creates chaos which can easily unleash World War III.”
Estulin reviewed the “Clean Break” policy, Tony Blair’s call for an end to the Westphalian system, and British sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the region, challenging his listeners: “You have to understand that the terrorists who killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya are financed by Saudi Arabia, and armed by the U.S. If that doesn’t anger you, then something has failed in your moral limits.” Estulin counter-posed to this imperial, Venetian policy the humanist tradition emerging from the Council of Florence, which led to real economic growth per capita and per square kilometer.
Wertz concluded his remarks by calling for removing Obama from office: “That’s why I emphasize that it’s a matter of necessity to fight against Obama, to force him out.”
Spanish Russia Today TV has an audience of some 6.3 million people worldwide, with 4.8 million of those in Ibero-America. The largest viewership is in Argentina (with about 1 million), followed by Mexico.
The Wertz interview is available at: programas/desde_la_sombra/view/86411-sombra-e-alianzas- conveniencia