Washington Worries Terrorists May Not Be Able To Topple al-Assad !
- All wars are based on deception! – Sun Tzu, The Art of War!!
- Washington Worries Terrorists May Not Be Able To Topple al-Assad !
by http://larouchepac.com/
Two articles on Jan. 13 reflect the growing worries in Washington about the inability of the Saudi-Qatari-financed, and Western-supported terrorists and other anti-Assad opponents to oust the Syrian President. According to a qualified Washington source speaking to {EIR}, the publication of these assessments is part of the ongoing campaign of American intelligence professionals opposed to U.S. military intervention into Syria, to prevent it. More such reports can be expected.
One of the reasons cited by the analyst David Ignatius in his {Washington Post} op-ed for why Assad is still hanging on, is what was contained in an intelligence report provided to the State Department last week by Syrian sources working with the Free Syrian Army (FSA). This report said: “There are hundreds of small groups (10-20 fighters) spread all over the area of Aleppo and the FSA has been transformed into disorganized rebel groups, infiltrated by large numbers of criminals.” “Such a security vacuum in the Aleppo region appears to have helped the terrorist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, which is allied with al-Qaeda,” Ignatius noted.
In the lead article of this issue of the {Post}, Liz Sly makes the point that Assad is nowhere near being toppled, contrary to reports in much of the Western press. She pointed out that, though the Syrian army has been degraded by thousands of rank-and-file defections and heavy casualties, it is still fighting. “Key units comprising members of Assad’s own Alawite sect, an obscure and little-understood offshoot of Shi’ite Islam, remain fiercely loyal.”
She also said defections from al-Assad’s government have been few and far between. The rebels have been systematically overrunning government positions in many locations, but they have not demonstrated the capacity to make headway against the tough defenses ringing Damascus. “Battles for control of the suburbs ringing Damascus have swung back and forth for months, claiming thousands of lives without giving either side a clear advantage, offering a glimpse of the prolonged and bloody stalemate that could be in store if the current balance of power prevails indefinitely,” Sly said.
“The ultimate goal that these people have in mind … is the goal to create a One World Government run by the banking industry .. run by the bankers! … The whole agenda is to create a One World Government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted !”
– Aaron Russo 0:15 onwards
“He’s (Rockefeller) the one who told me 11 months before 9/11 ever happen, there was going to be an event. .. And out of that event we will invade Afghanistan, (for) the pipelines to the Caspian sea. We were going to invade Iraq .. to take over the oil fields, establish a base in the Middle East and make it all a part of the New World Order! And we will go after Chavez Venezuela. Sure enough 9/11 happened ! … And there was going to be this War on Terror which has no real enemy. And the whole thing is a giant HOAX! … This whole War on Terror is a FRAUD! ”
– Aaron Russo 2:30 onwards