Buy Gold: FedRes To Print Over $1,000,000,000,000 Per Year!
- Buy Gold – Fed To Print Over $1,000,000,000,000 Per Year!
Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb spoke with King World News about the FOMC meeting and what is happening with gold and silver. Here is what Leeb had to say: “Eric, yesterday was Fed day and the Fed didn’t surprise too many people when they announced they were going to buy $85 billion worth of government paper each month. If you do the calculations that comes to $1 trillion per year. This leaves me speechless $1 trillion worth of paper each year.”
Combine that with what Japan is doing. The Japanese yen yesterday was getting crushed because they are now in the midst of doing the same thing. Here you are in world where every major economic bloc is printing money as fast as they can. This is really making me angry.
I care about this country and the people that live here, and when you see money being printed like tissue paper, you know most bond certificates are going to be used to burn wood and keep houses warm….
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