Lindsey Williams: Gold / Dollar / Debt – The Next Four Years!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
David Morgan – Riding The Silver Channel To Huge Profits! by FinancialSurvivalNet We finally caught up with our old friend David Morgan of He’s upbeat about the price of silver and believes that the powers cannot keep the price down for much longer. After all, if they had complete control over precious metals prices, …
[youtube=] US Aircraft Carrier Arrives Off Syrian Coast! by Paul Joseph Watson, Amidst Turkey getting NATO approval to line up Patriot anti-missile systems on its border and with US officials indicating that the consequence of President Bashar Al-Assad using chemical weapons will be military intervention, the USS Eisenhower has arrived off the coast of …
Syria invasion very very soon?!! The criminal western Illuminati is once again using America to conduct illegal wars of aggression based on false pretexts ie. chemical weapons! Look out for false flag chemical weapons terror attack by the western supported FSA terrorists to put the blame on the Assad government! What will Assad-Syria and Iran …
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Fed to launch fresh bond buying to help economy! by Alister Bull 5 Dec 2012 (Reuters) – The Federal Reserve is set to announce a fresh round of Treasury bond purchases when it meets next week, avoiding monetary policy tightening to maintain support for the weak U.S. economy amid uncertainty over the looming year-end “fiscal …
Rosen – Goldman Sachs Call Ridiculous, Gold Ready To Rocket! by On the heels of Goldman Sachs calling for the end of the gold bull market, today King World News went to 54-year market veteran and analyst Ron Rosen to get his take on the situation. Rosen sent over six tremendous charts in response …
[youtube=] Prof. Gurdial Singh Nijar of the University of Malaya leads a panel discussion on how to prosecute the war crimes of 9/11 at the “9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth” conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012. end
[youtube=] [youtube=] How Did They Know? Examining the Foreknowledge of Building 7’s Destruction! by Dennis McMahon, J.D., L.L.M., WTC Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building or WTC 7, was a 47–story skyscraper that was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, Building 7 would have been the tallest …
Why Israeli Settlements Are The Real Threat to Peace! by Dr. CESAR CHELALA, Dr. Cesar Chelala, MD, PhD, is a co-winner of an Overseas Press Club of America award for an article on human rights. Ignoring the International Court of Justice The announcement that Israel will construct 3,000 new homes in settlements in Jerusalem …
[youtube=] Emphasis and remarks mine: – Israel rejects UN call for nuclear transparency! by Israel has rebuffed a UN call to adhere to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open itself to international inspectors, calling the suggestion a “meaningless mechanical vote” of a body that “lost all its credibility regarding Israel.” (Israeli hypocrisy!) …
South Korea central bank bought 14 tonnes of gold in Nov! by Christine Kim, , 5 Dec 2012 Bank of Korea increases gold reserves to 84.4 tonnes * Gold holdings at 1.2 pct of total foreign reserves, up from 0.9 pct – South Korea’s central bank said on Wednesday it bought 14 tonnes of gold …
Is a Global Gold Supply Crunch Forming? by Jeff Clark, Casey Research, via A number of market analysts and gold-industry insiders are warning about a possible shortage of gold supply. Barrick CEO Jamie Sokalsky recently stated that since gold production is inelastic (i.e., insensitive to price changes) there will be a very limited increase …
[youtube=] Aboveground gold stock likely smaller than commonly thought! Episode 78: GoldMoney’s Andy Duncan interviews James Turk, Chairman of GoldMoney and co-author of The Collapse of the Dollar, about his study of the aboveground global gold stock, gold’s role as money, and the coming fiat currency collapse. They discuss the discrepancies between official gold stock …
[youtube=] Gold is the Anti-Bubble-Jim Willie! by Greg Hunter’s Jim Willie is the editor of the “Hat Trick Letter.” He has a PhD in statistics and crunches the numbers on things like gold, currencies and bonds. Jim Willie says, “Gold is the anti-bubble. . . . It is the response to the biggest bubble …
[gigya src=”” width=”400″ height=”130″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent” flashvars=”file=” ] Interviewed on 4 December 2012. Interview starts at the 5 minute mark. If you have difficulty with the above blogtalk radio audio try this youtube video. – 10 Agendas for the Next 4 Years! 1. There will not be a collapse yet of the dollar, it will be phased …