The Gold Standard Goes Mainstream!
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
… We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE.
– - When the propaganda MSM sells the gold standard which they have attacked for over 40 years, you know something is up! The Illuminists are social engineers. They manipulate the sheeple constantly via brainwashing and propaganda. They want the sheeple to desire, to demand, to accept …. their pre-planned solutions. All the recent talk, introducing the gold standard is to lay the groundwork for the collapse of the USD and the introduction of the One World Currency backed by gold. Fiat currencies will collapse via hyperinflation when the USD collapses creating the crisis needed for the launch of this One World Currency! When this One World Currency backed by gold is introduced, all fiat currencies (which are backed by NOTHING) will fall in value against it. They will promote this One World Currency with “as good as Gold”. The Global Supra-National Central Bank (likely IMF 2.0) is coming soon, thereafter ‘666’.
The Gold Standard Goes Mainstream!
In the ferment within today’s Republican Party, there’s a growing realization that America’s system of fiat money is part of the economic problem.
An under-reported development of this campaign season is the Republican Party’s decision this week to send Gov. Mitt Romney into the presidential race on a platform effectively calling for a new gold commission. The realization that America’s system of fiat money is part of its economic problem is moving from the fringes of political discussion to the center.
This is a sharp contrast from the last time a gold commission was convened, in 1981, a decade after President Nixon abandoned the Bretton Woods system and opened the era of a fiat dollar. The 1981 commission recommended against restoring a gold basis to the dollar. But two members—Congressman Ron Paul and businessman-scholar Lewis Lehrman—dissented and outlined the case for gold.
The new platform doesn’t use the word “gold,” describing the 1981 United States Gold Commission as looking at a “metallic basis” for the dollar. But the metal was gold, and the new platform calls for a similar commission to investigate ways “to set a fixed value for the dollar.”
What has stayed with me from 1981—I covered the commission as a young editorial writer for this newspaper—is how momentum for a new gold standard faded amid the successes of the supply-side revolution. President Reagan pushed through his tax reductions and Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker maintained tight money. Inflation was defeated. The value of the dollar, which had sunk below 1/800th of an ounce of gold during President Carter’s last year in office, soared.
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