Bill Murphy: JP Morgan Is FINISHED!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Emphasis mine: – Obama is Threatening Thermonuclear War! by This statement is available as a mass distribution leaflet Lyndon LaRouche and LaRouche PAC warned in early August, that Obama would take the opportunity of Congress leaving for summer vacation, to move toward launching an illegal war against Syria. You thought that was “over the …
It appears it is the end of the road for Obama. The Illuminists do not want him for a 2nd term. However, Romney is also another Illuminist puppet. So don’t expect any change for the better. – Newsweek Cover: Hit the Road Barack! Why We Need a New President ! by Newsweek magazine is …
It is not the USD that the western Illuminati is trying to save. It is their global monetary, financial and economic hegemony. The USD is scheduled for destruction in favour of a new One World Currency backed by gold. The Illuminists do not give a damn about America. They want to destroy America by abusing …
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Banks Can Legally Steal Customer Funds From Private Checking Accounts! by Susanne Posel, In 2007, the Sentinel Management Group (SMG) collapsed, leaving many customer segregated funds lost after they had been used as collateral. After a plethora of lawsuits and creditor claims, a decision earlier this month in the 7th Circuit Court placed the …
[youtube=] Non-intervention policy: Hundreds watch as dozens of Jewish youths attack Palestinians! by Hundreds of people watched but did not intervene as a gang of Israeli youths attempted to “lynch” a group of Palestinian children in the center of Jerusalem’s Zion Square, police said on Sunday. Five suspects have been arrested so far. – …
Keep in mind that the plan is for a Greater Middle East war: Zionist Israel vs Muslim World. Both the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood and Zionist ‘666’ Israel are Satanic. They are setting up the sheeple, the pieces… for this coming war. The real war is: Satanists vs humanity. The sheeple are too dumb …
The CIA, British Intelligence MI5/6, Mossad … western intelligence agencies are Illuminist organizations. They are the fomentors of wars, terrorism …etc. What is happening in Syria is an all out assault by western powers using their Al Qaeda terrorists against the Syrian people. Do not be a party to this war. – CIA spies ‘smuggle 14 …
[youtube=] Syrian Opposition Admits British Intelligence is Assisting Terrorist FSA Along with U.S., Germany and Turkey! by Madison Ruppert, A Free Syrian Army fighter fires his sniper rifle in Aleppo, on August 14, 2012. (Image credit: Reuters/Goran Tomasevic) It is no longer by any means secret that the Syrian opposition terrorist group known as the …
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming! by Are you willing to bet against three of the wealthiest men in the entire world? Jacob Rothschild recently bet approximately 200 million dollars that the euro will go down. Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson made somewhere around …
Revelation 17:6 New King James Version (NKJV) 6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. – Did you hear about this in the MSM? Why not? The western MSM is Illuminist owned. Their …
It appears Bill Murphy was spot on with his feedback of major moves in precious metals in August. I believe the bullion banksters are allowing gold and silver to rise spectacularly as part of their implementation of the coming New Financial World Order, One World Currency backed by gold. Don’t be a sheeple, last to …
Leeb – Supply Crunch To Send Silver Into The Stratosphere! by Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb told King World News, “… it will be very difficult going forward to acquire large amounts of silver.” Leeb, who is Chairman of Leeb Capital Management, also said that because of this, “… the price of silver …