Lindsey Williams: The Dollar will Collapse Shortly After The November Elections?!
- Lindsey Williams Radio Liberty Interview:
The Dollar will Collapse shortly after the Elections , get out of all paper assets , secure your portfolio with gold and silver , gold will still go to $3000/oz maintains Pastor Lindsey Williams and silver will go to $75/oz , regarding the wars in the middle east Lindsey Williams says that every country will be given to the Muslim brotherhood , the last country to see a revolution and go through massive chaos is Saudi Arabia , The elite are 6 months behind in their plans for the middle east , because Russia stepped in to protect Syria , that’s why the oil is not $150 already , they stopped drilling for oil at the Liberty rig in Alaska until the oil price hits $150 , take advantage of the elite’s problems , the US dollar is still fairly strong use it to buy real assets before the collapse
Aug 2nd 2012 Lindsey Williams Radio Liberty with Dr. Stanley Monteith – The Elite & Our Future .: this is the latest interview of Pastor Lindsey Williams so far , the key points are , the elite have stopped drilling at the Liberty rig in Alaska the largest drilling well on the surface of the earth also called Gull Island the reason is that they want the oil price to hit $150 a barrel before they will continue drilling , oil gold and silver are still cheap because the elite are 2 to 6 months behind their plans in the middle east , Gaddafi and Assad regimes did not fall as fast as they were projecting for them to fall , the elite want to turn over every country in the middle east to the Muslim brotherhood , the elite want to drown everyone and every nation in debt before they come up with a new gold based currency to replace the dollar when this one has collapsed , get out of all paper assets , and use this opportunity to buy gold and silver bullion they will be a lot more expensive before the end of 2012 says Lindsey Williams.
My friend has been telling me since 2009 that we have until after the election before every thing collapses. Now I see this is going to happen.
The bible says, while they are saying peace and safety, then sudden destruction. Its says, they will be eating and drinking marring and building etc. Then at some point the rapture will happen and the seven year tribulation will happen. The Holy Spirit says, He meaning Jesus, will let until he Jesus will be taken out of the way Jesus and then the wicked one will be revealed. If you have the Lord, you will be removed when he is removed. other wise he would have to leave you, because, he is going to be some where else, when the antichrist is revealed. To the world when christ comes, it will be like a theif in the night.
What is the elites attitude in programing the people of the world. Its ok, all is well. This way people do not have the focus on the real issues.
Then, you will have to take the chip or bar code in order to eat. After that, they will eliminate you. They have programed everyone differently so they can have control.
Jesus said, don’t be asleep as the world sleeps and that day takes you as a theif. There is very little time left. Are you ready?