Gerald Celente: “I Have That Feeling” It’s 9-11 All Over Again!
- Gerald Celente: “I Have That Feeling” It’s 9-11 All Over Again!
By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul,
In back-to-back interviews on the Gary Null Show and the Tommy Schnurmacher Show, Gerald Celente sees another mega geopolitical quake to match the shock-and-awe of 9-11 in America’s not-to-distant future.
“I’m worried about the drumbeats of war getting louder and louder,” Celente told CJAD talk show host Tommy Schumacher, Monday. “It’s coinciding, as well, with the economic collapse that’s happening throughout Europe.”
Celente went on to say that, when sociopath and psychopath politicians get into trouble with their constituents due to a poor economy, those pols, who can divert the public’s attention away from the nation’s financial problems and redirect the collective anger toward the threat of an outside enemy, will use their power to take that nation to war at a politically advantageous time.
“It’s reaching a critical mass right now, and I haven’t felt this way since December 14, 2000,” said Celente, and noted that he senses desperation in the voice and actions of Israel’s, Benjamin Netanyahu, the present and very unpopular prime mister in that Mideast country. “I have that feeling now” with Netanyahu, said Celente.
“This guy, Netanyahu, he has 60 percent disapproval rating right now, and I’ve seen it before,” Celente continued. “I remember Bill Clinton, you know, wag the dog. Every time he’d get into trouble with Monica Lewinsky, it was bomb over Baghdad. They continually do this.”
After wavering earlier this summer whether to remain in the U.S. or flee from a “fascist” dictatorship shaping up in America, the 65-year-old Celente told InfoWars’ talk show super-star personality, Alex Jones, that he will not allow a “bunch of freaks” in Washington chase him out. Celente said he will stay and fight. But the personal struggle on this question continues to weigh heavily on his mind.
Whether another 9-11-like event takes place on U.S. soil or overseas, Celente now seriously contemplates fleeing America if the U.S. or Israel instigates another 9-11 incident—either through a false-flag attack or other pretension to ‘justify’ a politically unpopular position to attack Iran. An attack on Iran, he said, might be the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ to get him to flee America for his physical safety, as he would, then, begin to mull over another trend he sees developing: jailing or “silencing” journalists.
“If the United States or Israel goes to war with Iran, it’s the beginning of World War III,” Celente told radio talk show host Gary Null, Tuesday. “Our lives will be hell after that. If you think we have a Gestapo state right now, you haven’t seen anything yet, because it’s not going to stop.
“These are the Persians; they’re 70 million strong,” he explain. “They’ve been around a long time; theyre not going to be going anywhere. And they’re going to fight down to the last man. And people forget that the Iranians lost a million people between 1980 and 1988 when the United States started a war, funding Iraq to attack Iran.
“This country won’t be worth living in, if we go to war with Iran. So I don’t know, I just don’t know what to do after that,” said Celente, who audibly struggled to match the words with his own personal thoughts on the matter. “I don’t know if I want to be here as much as I want to stay, because we’re seeing all of our rights being abrogated from us now; it will only, only, only get much worse.”
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