Webster Tarpley: Russia will Respond To a Possible US-Led War on Syria!
- “All wars are based on deception!” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
- Russia will respond to a possible US-led war on Syria: Analyst!
by http://www.presstv.ir/
A renowned US historian says Russia will respond to a war on Syria as anti-Syrian propaganda by Israeli, NATO and US officials suggesting a possible military intervention in the Arab country is escalating, Press TV reports.
In an exclusive interview with Press TV, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley pointed to comments made by the US Department of State’s spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, and the NATO chief, Andres Fogh Rasmussen, who compared Syria to Bosnia, with “the obvious implication that NATO may do a unilateral, outside of the UN Security Council, bombing attack.”
“The response to that came quite quickly,” Tarpley noticed, citing Russian media reports, saying Russian President Vladimir Putin has reacted to the remarks by ordering two Russian divisions, a paratroopers division and an infantry division, plus Spetsnaz Brigades who are based in Tartus, Syria, to prepare for a possible confrontation.
“At any time, the sovereign government of Syria could obviously invite these Russian forces to come in and this would not be a violation of anybody’s international law,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the historian said, Tel Aviv is using such grounds as possible use of “chemical weapons against men, women, and children” by the Syrian government as pretext to justify a possible military assault on Syria even if it means triggering a broader conflict across the region. According to Tarpley, a military operation in Syria will inevitably lead to the massacre of large numbers of Christians, who account for some 20 percent of the Syrian population.
Wahhabi extremists from Saudi Arabia, who Tarpley said would be leading the war “with some kind of an internal coup,” will engage in the killing of the Alawite Shia Muslims and Christians.
This is expected to spark a protest from the Vatican, but the White House has masterminded the so-called ‘Vatican Spring’ — the attack on the Vatican to suppress the response from the Holy See.