Alex Jones: 10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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What is the War on Terrorism about? It is a war against the American sheeple, to take away their rights via the Patriot Act and implement a Luciferian New World Order, Global Fascist Military-Police State! America will be the centre of this New World Order, World Government – The Mystery Babylon Whore of Revelation 17. …
Zionist ‘666’ Israel is the only country in the world to fly a ‘666’ flag. The Satanic Hexagram, ‘666’ Star of David is used in the occult world for communicating with Satan! When a country flies a ‘666’ flag, is it a country of God or Satan? Obviously Satan! When an army flies a ‘666’ flag, …
“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam …
The entire Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) is a LIE, a massive FRAUD! Osama Bin Laden is a CIA asset since the late 1970s. He has denied any involvement in 9/11. The wars against Afghanistan and Iraq are illegal wars of aggression. Afghanistan and Iraq were never involved in 9/11 even by the official fantasy account. All …
Zionist ‘666’ Israel is imprisoning Palestinians in an open air prison called Gaza. What these Zionists do to the Palestinians is immoral, despicable and contrary to the laws of God. They are the neo-Nazis of the 21st century! Breaking the Gaza Embargo and Israeli Piracy by: Huwaida Arraf, Noam Chomsky and Gabriel Schivone A …
Osama Bin Laden has been dead almost 10 years. Do not fall for the Illuminist Obama government’s psyop. The western Illuminati is most likely preparing another even bigger (than 9/11) false flag attack. With Osama dead, there will be clamouring to end the fraudulent War on Terror and bring the troops home. I can guarantee that …
How do you tell when snakes like? Whenever they move their lips! Osama died in December 2001. You have been lied to continuously for the past 10 years about the Global War on Terrorism. It is really about world conquest for oil, drugs, gas/oil pipeline infrastructures and strategic positioning against China/Russia in the Middle East! …
[youtube=] The Illuminists are ratcheting up the ‘terrorism’ psyop! The Illuminist owned MSM is selling this Big LIE: ‘The Al CIAda bogeymen are everywhere, give up your rights to the Illuminist government, they will save you!’ Osama Bin Laden is a CIA asset. Al Qaeda is simply a database of freedom fighters (Taliban) trained and employed by the …
Autism was practically an unknown ailment before the 20th century. Mercury poisoning, adjuvant (known poisons) and live viruses in vaccines are the likely causes. These are exacerbated by the increased number of vaccines applied on children over a short period of time. Toxins overload. Do not believe all the propaganda by the Illuminist owned Big Pharma and their paid for …
[youtube=] If you do not see the implementation of the police state in America, you are blind. The Illuminists are pushing the limits bit by bit and getting Americans use to this ‘1984’ nightmare. Yes, microchipping Americans with ‘666’ is coming. My guestimate is within 10 years. The implementation of this coming Luciferian New World Order will …
[youtube=] I do not buy the talk that the Chinese Yuan will become the world reserve currency. It will never happen. The western Illuminati will not allow their global fiat currency hegemony to be destroyed. With it they control the world’s financial system and economies. Conflict with China is inevitable. Out of this coming World …
With gold’s ‘crazy brother’ silver, anything is possible. This prognostication by James Turk is startling. If it was anyone else I will just ignore it. James Turk is an old and highly experience hand in the precious metals market. The market feedback is that even though silver has sold off 33% from its $49.78 high, the open …
[youtube=] This is great news for precious metals bull. We no longer have to rely on Crimex for gold futures contract. It will not surprise me when the HKMEX offer a silver contract soon! The grip of Crimex will be broken! HKMex set for trading debut on May 18 with 1 kg gold futures …
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The Illuminists are escalating their Satanic World War 3 plan to divide and conquer the sheeple. Unfortunately, the sheeple are buying into their fear and hate rhetoric and psyop! Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of …
[youtube=] The Osama Bin Laden killed on 1 May 2011, psyop is falling apart! Anyone with half a brain cell can tell you that it is a LIE! Only the MSM continues to perpetuate the myth and pretend that we all believe it! Obama: “We Could Not Say Definitively That Bin Laden Was There” …
There are many documented evidence of Osama Bin Laden’s death about 10 years ago. Here are some: Is Osama bin Laden dead? by Gregory Patin, November 30th, 2009 …The report, however, seems to overlook the fact that bin Laden was suffering from diabetes, Hepatitis C, and an “untreated lung complication” and would have …
Osama Bin Laden died in December 2001 of kidney failure. He has been dead for a long time. The Global War on Terrorism is a HOAX. The Illuminists are simply executing their plan of world conquest using false pretenses! end
Looks like the Illuminist US government bombed Big Time with their Osama propaganda. You have to be a naive idiot to believe all the BS they put out on the Illuminist owned western MSM ! end