Jim Sinclair: Is The FedRes Selling Europe’s Gold During Interventions?
- Although, the bullion banksters constantly manipulate the price of gold lower, the physical stock will run low sooner or later. The reality is: it is a gift, a fire sale, before the price of gold/silver explodes inexorably higher!
Sinclair – Is the Fed Selling Europe’s Gold During Interventions!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today legendary trader and investor Jim Sinclair told King World News that a number of European countries are beginning to ask themselves where the gold is coming from which is being used for interventions in the gold market. Sinclair also said some European countries are beginning to think it’s their gold, stored by the US Fed, which is being used for these interventions. But first, here is what Sinclair had to say about the recent plunge in gold: “Eric, this has been going on since $248 in gold. Any idea or concern that this kind of intervention is going to cause the gold bull market to cease or shorten or even contain where it will potentially go is simply wrong.”
Everybody knows what’s at the Fed, other people’s gold. The trend that we discussed a long time ago which is really turning into a modest torrent, is to take back gold. I mean the truth is what do the Germans need the Fed to store their gold for? Are they afraid France will invade? It doesn’t make any sense.”
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