Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Syria is really a big step to war with Iran. How will the Russians respond to an attack on Syria? Nobody knows. But it is certain that Russia (and China) will not allow what happened to Libya to be repeated in Syria. This implies some escalation of military involvement on the part of Russia. …
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[youtube=] Gerald Celente: Nightmare “Schemed” To Cover Up America Collapse! by Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul, Trends Research Institute founder Gerald Celente predicts that a war with Iran is scheduled to cover up the next leg down to the financial collapse of the U.S. and political upheaval a collapse engenders. – “I’ve been in this …
The financial derivatives market is a OTC, privately agreed, opaque market. Nobody really knows exactly how large the CDS amount involved is. There are no standard contracts and it is not subjected to regulation or reporting like the normal insurance market is. – Sinclair – Greek Tragedy Part of $37 Trillion, Not $3.5 Billion! by …
It appears the ISDA will not be able to deny the obvious. A credit event: default has occurred and CDSs will be triggered. Exactly how much, US$3.5B or more, nobody knows. – Greece Deal Triggers $3B in Default Swaps: ISDA By Abigail Moses and Mary Childs, Greece’s use of collective action clauses forcing investors …