5 Reasons Iran is NOT a Threat To The U.S.!
- This contrived Iranian crisis is a HOAX! It has nothing to do with Iran being a nuclear threat. It isn’t ! It is about the coming global economic, financial and monetary collapse. It is about creating a world war as a distraction for the intractable economic and financial problems. It is about using World War as a pretext for the mass culling of the sheeple, depopulation of the world. It is about maintaining the Illuminist global monetary hegemony. It is about destroying the current world order to usher in the Luciferian New World Order. Order out of Chaos! Do not be deceived.
5 Reasons Iran is NOT a Threat to the U.S.
by Michael Edwards, www.Infowars.com
The Obama Administration, by Executive Order, has moved another step closer to preemptive war with Iran by declaring a National Emergency to deal with this supposed threat. A National Emergency, which gives the president extraordinary power to subvert the Constitution, is legally defined as “A situation beyond the ordinary which threatens the health or safety of citizens and which cannot be properly addressed by the use of other law.”
Given the immense power the executive receives during such “emergencies”, one would think the U.S. must face a clear and present danger in order to justify such actions. Yet, all recent wars fought by America and paid for by U.S. tax dollars were preceded by little more than an Executive Order declaring a national emergency. And, notably, the president makes these declarations without the need for a vote by the Congress as stipulated by the U.S. Constitution.
So what has changed with Iran that now requires a National Emergency? It seems the U.S. is just itching for another fight, because it’s clear that Iran poses no threat to the ‘health and safety’ of U.S. citizens that cannot be dealt with by ‘other laws’.
Here are 5 reasons why a National Emergency should not be declared to deal with Iran:
Never Attacked US: Iran has never attacked the United States, or even any of her interests overseas. In fact, they have not attacked or invaded anyone in at least 270 years. And they haven’t even threatened to harm the U.S. unless of course they are attacked first. Do we want to continue to be a nation that attacks others without provocation, or one that defends our country against genuine aggressors? Iran is not an aggressor and certainly not a national emergency threat.
No Nuclear Weapon: Claims that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon seems to be the only argument warmongers have to suggest a preemptive strike. Yet, all U.S. intelligence agencies universally agree that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. Even if they did, why is that a reason to attack them? Just having a weapon doesn’t make a country a threat. Plenty of countries have nuclear weapons and we don’t consider them a threat.
Self Preservation: Iran will not attack the West militarily with a nuclear weapon, or even conventionally, because they know they would be inviting their immediate destruction. Iran is a sophisticated secular society, much like Iraq was before America invaded. In fact, Iran has the third largest Jewish population in the world who live in harmony with Muslims and others. In other words, they have a lot to lose to invite war with anyone, and they know that any move viewed as aggression would be met with swift and overwhelming force. The West wants the world to believe their leadership is primitive and stupid, but they aren’t.
Surrounded By U.S. Bases: Over 45 U.S. bases surround Iran. These bases are in addition to the fleets of U.S. warships parked in waters near Iran. A picture is worth a thousand words. Who’s the real threat here?
Conventional War is Obsolete: Iran actually has a modern armed forces that could fight back conventionally. However, conventional war is completely obsolete. It should be likened to sticks and stones compared to the known advanced technology the world powers possess. Besides nuclear weapons and other WMDs, there are secret weather weapons, space-based weapons, microwave weapons etc. Russia admits to having a weather weapon that can destroy the U.S. in 15 minutes. Surely America and Europe have the same technology, and probably China, too. These make conventional warfare nothing more than manufactured violence for economic control and managed population reduction. Again, Iran represents nothing resembling a threat to America in the face of such technology.
America was never attacked or even threatened with attack by Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, or Somalia. Yet by executive decree, taxpayers continue to fund the U.S. war machine to murder and maim innocent civilians in those countries. Conveniently, the “war on terror” has given America the excuse to preemptively strike any nation who is said to oppose them. And it seems Iran is next unless the American people stop living in fear of manufactured threats.