Dr. Mark Eastman: Ancient UFO History And The Modern Phenomenon!
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- Is the modern UFO phenomenon unique? Not at all. In documented history, there are many cases of such UFO encounters. In the past, historians have always treated them as myths and legends. But a closer examination of all such documents show that they bear more than a startling resemblance to the UFO phenomenon.
– - The ancients describe beings, ‘gods’ descending from the heavens in their flying chariots. Apart from the Bible, Sumerian, Egyptian, Indian and many others also talk about humanoid gods descending to earth and cohabiting with earth women. Jacques Vallee in his book Passport to Magonia 1993, Page 7 :
The folklore of every culture, it turned out, had a rich reservoir of stories about humanoid beings that flew in the sky, used devices that seemed in advance of the technology of the time. ”
– - In the Omega Conspiracy 1986, author I.D.E. Thomas highlights:
“The copy of the Genesis Apochryphon discovered at Qumran dates back to the 2nd century BC… the document confirmed that celestial beings from the skies had landed on planet Earth. More than that, it told how these beings had mated with Earth women and had begat giants.”
– - Are all these ancient people, UFO buffs – plain nut cases? What about the account in the bible,
Genesis 6:
1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
– - Dr. Mark Eastman givesus a biblical, historical perspective on the UFO and ET phenomena. The Bible is startling accurate about it. Are we in a period of time like the Days of Noah, in the end times which Jesus talked about? The answer would be a definite Yes!
– - The powerpoint presentation slides can be found here:
- See also :
Dr. Steven Greer: UFO Contact & Disclosure, The Final Sequence
UFO Secrets: Is The Embargo on Truth Ending?
Russian Navy Declassifies UFO Files
Major Steps in UFO Disclosure Worldwide – Pace is Speeding Up !
Dr Thomas Van Flandern: Life On Mars!
Professor John E. Mack on the Alien Abduction Phenomenon
National Press Club: UFO Disclosure Conference April 2009
UFO History: Out Of The Blue
Christian Group Declares UFOs ‘evil spirits’ of the Bible
Extraterrestrials Tremble at the Name of Jesus
UFO Disclosure & the Coming EndTimes Strong Delusion
UFO, Extraterrestrials and the Coming EndTimes Strong Delusion
Chuck Missler – Return of the Nephilim, UFO, Aliens & the Bible
Steve Quayle on Black Ops, UFOs, Nephilims and the Bible
Epidemic of UFO Sightings in UK, Summer 2008
Chuck Missler – Days of Noah, Nephilims & UFOs
Genesis 6 Giants on the Earth
The Nephilim – Giants on the Earth