Death Spiral: ‘Greece Stranded, Won’t Survive’!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Any illusion that Greece will have economic growth next year is coming to an end. Oil price is heading towards the US$150-200/barrel. The global economic, financial and monetary collapse is coming! – Iran Denies Greece 500,000 Barrels of Oil Shipment ! by Iran has refused to supply 500,000 barrels of oil to Greece in response …
[youtube=] Lindsey Williams – Radio Liberty – 21 Feb 2012 – The elite are several months behind their schedules they want to turn all middle eastern countries to the Muslim Brotherhood, the last regime to fall will be that of Saudi Arabia …. – The Masonic Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood (emphasis mine) The Masonic …
This financial rape is not just of Greece. It is also the financial rape of the German public. They are asked to fork out billions of Euros and when Greece defaults, they will lose it all. The solution that is best for the German public is to stop giving good money after bad money. For …
Wow, the head of the Illuminist World Bank comes out and tells the truth! Perhaps it is because he is leaving the bank! How much time has this 2nd bailout given Greece? Or should I say given the Illuminist banksters? Maybe only until 20 March 2012! The war drums are beating louder and louder because the …
[youtube=] Zionist, Moshe Sharett, who was Israeli’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956 said (emphasis mine): In his diary, Sharett quotes a conversation with Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan in May 1955: – “We face no danger at all of an Arab advantage of force for the next 8-10 years…Reprisal …
[youtube=] “All wars are based on deception!” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
[vodpod id=Video.16148959&w=425&h=350&fv=] US spooks say no Iranian nukes! by Iran’s alleged nuclear ambition may be high in the headlines. The US intelligence community, whose job is to assess the threat, is skeptical about it. Same as it has been for five years. – The latest report accusing Iran of trying to make a nuclear …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Be careful of all the fear and hate mongering by the western Illuminist MSM! – ravenise00 (remarks mine) Remember back when it was alleged that Ahmadinejad had said that he would wipe Israel off the map(this is false, western MSM lies), and the American media went totally bonkers and screaming “How dare you, your …
This coming war with Iran (which will start off WW3) has nothing to do with Iran having nuclear weapons. They don’t and do not have a nuclear weapons program. Neither is Iran an existential threat to Zionist Israel or the west. Iran is not a threat to nuclear armed Zionist Israel (with 400 nuclear bombs) …
[youtube=] The Global War on Terror is an Illuminist FRAUD! 9/11 was an inside job, planned by the Illuminist shadow government, executed via CIA and Mossad. The Illuminists are driving the world toward their Satanic World War 3 plan. Muslim fundamentalism/terrorism, Clash of Civilizations ie. Zionist West vs Muslim World are all Illuminists engineered meme/psyop. They manufacture the crisis, …
This is pure, mad Zionist propaganda! Keep in mind that the majority of the western media is owned and controlled by the Illuminati ruling class. The Illuminists are manipulating the Jewish/Christian sheeple to hate and kill Iranian/Muslims sheeple and vice versa. This is all part of their Satanic World War 3 Plan! . Unfortunately, the …
[youtube=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, is ruled by genocidal and mentally ill maniacs! This is a war mongering state which pretends to be victim all the time. However, it is no longer fooling everybody. Masses of people including Christians are waking up to their scam! Zionist ‘666’ Israel is not the Israel of …