Adrian Salbuchi: The Coming World Government !
- Adrian Salbuchi is highly perceptive!
The Coming World Government!
by Adrian Salbuchi,
Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the death of millions… The world’s become a pretty dangerous and pitiful place to live in, and it only gets worse…
Which leads us to the obvious question: Why? Why is all this happening? Can we explain it away as Man’s wicked nature? Or his folly and ignorance? Perhaps just a series of bad mistakes and wrong turns on key issues?
First, A Word About “Conspiracies…”
If you don’t buy any of the above explanations, and you feel that today’s calamities are being purposefully engineered – that some group of people somewhere control the course of world events – then be careful because you risk being branded another paranoid, hallucinating, conspiracy theory kook.
Don’t let that worry you too much because those who disqualify as mere “conspiracy theories” any attempt to put together an alternative model of how global power really works are either, (a) blissfully ignorant and believe in the “world according to CNN and FoxNews”; (b) near-sighted on key long-term geopolitical processes; or (c) purposely deceptive and thus have an axe to grind protecting the Global Power Elite, which always reacts with uneasiness whenever someone shines a light on them. I will only deal with the last of these options.
Every time somebody says very powerful individuals and entities quite predictably also engage in common actions, planning, and agreements in order to achieve common goals, the “C-word” kicks in with all its might ready to kill any such line of thought or investigation dead in its tracks.
How dare you say that global bankers plot to manipulate money and finance so they can control economies, markets, governments and the media! How dare you insinuate that the rich and powerful create organisations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) or the Trilateral Commission to do their geopolitical mega planning supporting long-term Global Power Elite interests bent on imposing World Government on Mankind! How can you be so paranoid as to even suggest that Money Power uses its clout to place “their people” in the White House, Parliament, Downing Street, the Casa Rosada, and Editors’ desks in all major media outlets?
That is the mainstream reaction whenever we speak of bankers, oil men, defence contractors, politicians, journalists and their respective corporations, organisations, banks, lobbies, lodges, armies – who all most clearly do have common interests and objectives – coming together and using their vast money flows to exert iron-fist control over society. This is all so obvious that only very naïve people (or very cheeky “analysts” on the Elite payroll!) conclude otherwise. What is really naïve is to think that George Soros never picks up the phone to discuss mutual plans with Sir Henry Kissinger or Christine Lagarde; or that David Rockefeller never dines with his Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg brethren.
Don’t be taken aback by the “C” word. Whoever uses it to silence lucid and aware people do so because they know nothing is more dangerous to them than… lucid and aware people! Let’s now take a look at how the world really works, call it “conspiracy” or otherwise.
World Government
The dream of erecting a world government controlled by a very small, extremely powerful and elusive minority goes back several centuries. Its roots lie not just on the political stage but, more so, in social, cultural and religious spheres, often with symbolic, “occult” overtones.
In our time it has been variously described under the guise of “New World Order,” “One World,” “Over-World” and, more recently, “Globalisation.” Call it what you will, the facts are that national sovereignty, which is the ability of the People to organise around nation-states, to make the final decisions on their own affairs, from being a sharply defined concept is now so eroded and diffuse that no one can readily define exactly what sovereignty means today.
Maybe this would be acceptable if national sovereignty were lessened for the sake of better coping with global problems affecting Mankind as a whole – for the Common Good – however increasing famine, disease, contamination and war shows a very different picture. Why? The reason is that basically World Government is not emerging around robust global public institutions that have (or should have) the Public Good of We the People in the forefront, but rather around private organisations that have sectorial profit and interests at their forefront. In fact, the World Government we see rising before our eyes has one key, seldom mentioned, characteristic: it’s private.
… for more click here!
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