US Admits Israel is Arming And Training Terrorist Groups in Iran!
- This is one more step towards the Satanic World War 3 Plan – The Greater Middle East War : Zionist West vs Muslim World. It appears this Middle East War will be spear-headed by Zionist ‘666’ Israel and the rest of the west will play a secondary role, at least in the initial phase. This makes sense as any full-scale involvement of US and EU will mean full involvement of Russia and China. The Illuminists will most likely start the next phase of the World War 3 when most of the Middle East is destroyed. Phase 2 will be the Big One: Anglo-American west vs China, Russia and their allies.
U.S. Officials Confirm Israeli Mossad Trained Assassins of Iranian Nuclear Scientists
By Madison Ruppert, The Intel Hub
I have been writing about the covert Israeli assault on Iran for months now, but finally the establishment media seems to be playing catch up, something which I find incredibly interesting, unexpected and curious.
I would expect the mainstream media to continue the farcical denial of any covert Western action in Iran until it was absolutely impossible for them to do so, but perhaps we have already reached that point at which they can no longer continue to deny reality while maintaining any semblance of legitimacy.
While Iran has previously claimed to have evidence that Israel and the United States had been behind the attacks against Iranian nuclear scientists and military figures associated with Iran’s missile research and the alleged Iranian nuclear program, the Western media has supported the denial of these links.
The most recent attack – which displayed all of the hallmarks of previous assassinations linked to Israel and the United States – which killed nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, brought these issues back to the fore once again. The second I began researching the Ahmadi Roshan assassination I began to see hints indicating that it was in fact an Israeli operation.
Less than two weeks later, another attack, this time on Iranian military personnel, was committed once again by individuals on a motorcycle. Soon after the killing of 32-year-old Ahmadi Roshan, who was reportedly a department supervisor at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility, the United States denied being involved in the killing while Israel refused to comment on the matter.
Soon after that assassination, Mark Perry of Foreign Policy revealed that American intelligence memos detailed how the Israeli Mossad was recruiting operatives from the terrorist group Jundallah while pretending to be Americans.
This newest revelation raises the Israeli support of terrorism to new heights, something which I figured the Western media would be quick to marginalize. Surprisingly, this does not seem to be the case, which threw me for a bit of a loop.
Mark Perry’s Foreign Policy article reported that the Mossad operation was active in 2007 and 2008, although I doubt that they would cease such an operation if it had any degree of success. After Perry’s article was released – and unsurprisingly ignored in many sectors of the media – the British Sunday Times reported that agents linked to Israeli intelligence were actually behind Ahmadi Roshan’s assassination.
But the newest information from NBC News is by far the most damning yet in terms of Israel’s involvement with terrorism. NBC News admits that the statements from U.S. officials concerning Mossad’s training, financing and arming of Iranian dissident groups actually confirm “charges leveled by Iran’s leaders.” Previously the Western media usually dismissed any and all allegations coming from Iranian figures.
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