Greyerz: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In The World Financial System
- Greyerz: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In The World Financial System
Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals communicated to King World News that all hell is about to break loose in the world financial system.
June 17 (King World News) – Egon von Greyerz, Founder of VON GREYERZ AG: At the end of a monetary era a number of dominoes will keep falling, initially gradually and then suddenly as Hemingway explained when asked how you go bankrupt. Some of the important dominoes the world will see falling are: Political, Geopolitical, Currency, Debt and Investment Assets.
The consequences will be unthinkable – Social Unrest, War, Hyperinflation, Deflationary Implosion of Assets, Debt Defaults and much more. But when things settle down, there will also be offsetting forces such as the emergence of powerful BRICS nations often backed by commodities.
Gold will play a major role during this process. Both central banks, sovereign wealth funds and investors will turn to gold as the most stable part of a crumbling system. This will lead to a fundamental revaluation of gold. As more gold cannot be produced, increased demand can only be satisfied by higher prices. The likely result will be a revaluation of gold by multiples…
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