Deagel’s 2025 Forecast Showed America And Israel Being Absolutely Annihilated In WW3 With Israel’s Population Cut By Over 60% And America Transformed Into A 3rd World Nation
- Deagel’s 2025 Forecast Showed America And Israel Being Absolutely Annihilated In WW3 With Israel’s Population Cut By Over 60% And America Transformed Into A 3rd World Nation
by Stefan Stanford – Live Free Or Die – All News Pipeline,
– 2025 Forecast For Iran And Most Of Middle East Forecast To Remain About Same
Over the past 9+ years and dating all the way back to October 22nd of 2014, ANP has been reporting upon the absolutely bizarre ‘forecast’ for America and most of ‘Western Civilization‘ being given by the ‘US government sourced website’ called the ‘Deagel Report‘ for the year 2025, a ‘forecast‘ which showed the United States population would be well below 100 million people by 2025 and us looking economically and criminally like a 3rd world nation.
Called a ‘crazy conspiracy theory‘ by the Associated Press and the mainstream media despite Deagel’s sources being groups such as the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union and the US Navy, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corp and Air Force, we’ve got to take another look at that bizarre 2025 forecast with us rapidly closing in on that ‘End Date‘ as we barrel well into World War 3, and the fact that Deagel’s 2025 forecast for the population of Israel also shows their population expected to be more than cut in half by 2025.
With Deagel forecasting at one point for the US’s population to drop from 323 million+ to barely over 54 million by the year 2025 as seen in this document at the website ‘Pakistan Defense‘ from January 17th of 2018, a document called by them ‘a cautionary tale highlighting weaknesses in our current systems,‘ take note as also seen in the global map above, seen much bigger at this link, that while the populations of Israel, the United States and most of Western Civilization are being forecast to tumble, the populations of nations such as Iran, Syria, Turkey as well as most of the Middle East were being forecast to largely stay the same or even increase.
Showing Israel’s 2025 forecast to drop by a stunning 63.5%, that’s nothing compared to the 79.7% forecast population drop for the United States of America by 2025 on joe biden’s watch, not to mention our forecast military expenditures by the year 2025 absolutely tumbling, as if we’re seeing proof the ‘US military industrial complex’ from the year 2017 KNEW we were going to lose World War 3, and as a punishment by our ‘future globalist rulers,‘ we were going to be ‘disarmed‘ as a nation.
And as we had reported on ANP all the way back in 2014 when we first broke this bizarre forecast to our readers, Deagel also forecasted the United States would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025 economically, with our military spending being forecast to drop from $726 billion dollars yearly to only $8 billion dollars in the year 2025, while our GDP per capita was forecast to drop from $52,838 to $13,328 by 2025.
Also forecasting our gross domestic product to tumble to only $2.4 trillion by 2025, down from over $19 trillion in 2017, Deagel was largely blaming at the time a future devastating ‘economic event‘ to be behind their forecast though as they also pointed out, global wars have long been drivers of such economic devastation through history.
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