‘AI Jesus’ Gives Advice on 24/7 Twitch Stream
- Is this Game Over for all the Cox-vid-1-9 vWacx-inated with the Bluetooth MAC ID?? The snakes can connect to their bodies and minds via 5G through the Bluetooth MAC ID. The Satanic AI Jesus can ‘speak to them’ remotely, directly into their minds like a ‘Voice of God’. Will this cause a massive falling away of the Christian Church?? Most Christians, at least 98%, in my region are asleep with regards to this. My constant warning is treated as NONSENSE!
– - Note: the Cox-vid-1-9 vWax-cine Bluetooth MAC ID is NOT the Mark of the Beast. It is however, Satanic technology using Graphene (Carbon 666) Nano-technology. The technology allows the remote monitoring, connection, transmitting/receiving of messages/signals … It however does not have the unique identification to a specific person. Ie. the Bluetooth MAC ID in the vWacxinated individual is not specifically tied to his name as far as I am aware. The Synagogue of Satan can connect to all Bluetooth MAC ID via a 5G satellite network (like Starlink) in a region but they are unable to connect to a specific person or persons as the Bluetooth MAC ID is NOT mapped to the person/s (individuals/s) name. The Bluetooth MAC ID is unique but who is the person with this ID is unknown remotely.
– - The coming Mark of the Beast will address this.