UFOs Now on Official Radar in New US Defense Act Allocation

- UFOs Now on Official Radar in New US Defense Act Allocation
by Allan Stein, https://www.theepochtimes.com/
Part of $817 billion budget to go toward protecting whistleblowers and officials with information on sightings
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz.—On Dec. 27, President Joe Biden signed the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act into law allocating nearly $817 billion toward protecting the United States. Buried deep in the massive 3,854-page document is subsection 1673. It relates to “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) reporting procedures.”
UAP is the government acronym used for unidentified flying objects—popularly known as UFOs. Among other things, 1673 establishes a “secure mechanism” for authorized reporting of UAPs, with protections for whistleblowers, programs, and government departments that have information on them.
Section 1673 also provides security for any government activity, program, or contractor relating to UAPS such as “material retrieval and analysis, reverse engineering, research, and development.” Although 1673 makes no reference to UAPS being of extraterrestrial origin, Melinda Leslie, of the UFO Research Center in Sedona, Arizona, said the section’s existence is “huge.”
For years, the government denied the existence of UFOs. Now, codified in the 2023 NDAA, 1673 has taken the debate in a whole new direction. “The NDAA is the real story,” Leslie told The Epoch Times, and most previous investigations were mere distractions or coverups.
In a social media post, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon wrote that the UAP provision is “unprecedented.” “This is arguably the biggest story mainstream news organizations have ever failed to cover,” he wrote.
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