Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
World War 3: The Stage Is Being Set For The United States To Go To War With China And Russia Simultaneously by You would have to be out of your mind to fight wars with China and Russia simultaneously. Unfortunately, the guy in the White House actually fits that description. Joe Biden has been …
NEW – Klaus Schwab tells attendees at his World Economic Forum in Davos that "the future is being built by us." — (@disclosetv) May 23, 2022 Davos Elites Warn Nation-States Not to Resist ‘Painful Global Transition’ by Neon Nettle, Global energy upheaval as a ‘transition’ Elites warn governments of individual nations should …
Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover by Mercola, Story at-a-glance The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, …
World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty: A Fresh Push for Vaccine Passports, Global Surveillance, And More by Tom Parker, The unelected international health agency is on the verge of being granted sweeping new powers. – Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) are days away from voting on an international pandemic treaty and amendments to …
Expert Calls CDC Advisory Panel a ‘Kangaroo Court’ Saying Approval of COVID Boosters for Kids is a ‘Slap in the Face of Science’ – as Pfizer is Expected to Make Bid to Jab Children as Young as Six Months by MANSUR SHAHEEN U.S. DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * Leading public health expert and …
A New WHO COVID Report Once Again Proves Sweden Right by Ian Miller ‘Unmasked’ Substack, Throughout the pandemic, Sweden has faced an enormous amount of criticism and international pressure due to their willingness to stick to established public health principles and pre-pandemic planning. – Instead of following the incessant, anti-science groupthink that became part …
CV19 Virus & Vax About Control Not Health – Dr. Michael Yeadon by Greg Hunter’s Dr. Michael Yeadon was a chief scientist in drug discovery research and also a VP at Pfizer for 20 years. He has been sounding the alarm about the Covid “lies” being told and warning the so-called vaccines for CV19 are …